The Black Cauldron [Script] lyrics


Walt Disney Records

[Narrator] Legend has it,
in the mystic land of Prydain,
there was once a king
so cruel and so evil...
that even the gods
feared him.
Since no prison
could hold him,
he was thrown alive
into a crucible of molten iron.
There, his demonic spirit
was captured...
in the form
of a great Black Cauldron.
For uncounted centuries,
the Black Cauldron
lay hidden, waiting,
while evil men
searched for it,
knowing whoever possessed it
would have the power...
to resurrect an army
of deathless warriors...
and, with them,
rule the world.
[Man] There's something wrong.
I can feel it in my bones.
- [Bones Cracking]
- The Fairfolk know it too.
- You dont see any of them around.
- [Meows]
The Horned King,
that black hearted devil.
- [Continues Meowing]
-What's he waiting for?
Yes, yes, cat.
I know you want your breakfast,
but, just now,
thinking is more important.
[Sighs, Gasping]
the pot is boiling over!
-[Pot Boiling]
-Oh, Dallben. I was just thinking.
What if the war's over,
and I never had a chance to fight?
Hmm, and a good thing too.
War isnt a game.
People get hurt.
But I'm not afraid.
Yes, there you are.
If the Horned King
ever returns,
you'll have a great deal more
to worry about...
than a burned finger.
No, no, no, cat. That is not for you.
It's for Hen Wen.
Hen Wen, Hen Wen.
It's always Hen Wen!
And one day, my boy,
you may learn why.
Now, no more dreaming.
You have chores to do.
Yes, sir.
He's so anxious...
and so blind
to the dangers ahead.
Look, cat. You're in luck.
Just enough left for you.
- [Quacking]
- Dallben doesn't understand.
I'm not a little boy
I should be doing heroic deeds
for Prydain, not waiting
hand and foot on a spoiled--
Oh, all right, Hen.
I didn't mean it.
You'd better eat it.
Dallben made it
especially for you.
Is this to be my life ?
Pampering a pig ?
I'm a warrior
not a pig keeper.
Dallben thinks I'd be afraid,
but I wouldn't.
All I need is a chance,
and I could be
a famous warrior.
Look at me, Hen!
I can do it! Ha!
[Taran Laughing]
Even you're afraid.
-Do you challenge me ? Run, you cowards.
-There you are.
- [Bleats]
His Majesty,
the Horned King.
So we meet at last.
[Laughing] Even the Horned King
shakes with fear.
See, Hen? Everybody runs
from the famous Taran of Caer Dallben!
[Groans, Coughing]
Prydain's finest warrior...
draws his last... breath.
Hmm, not quite the blade
for a hero.
[Stammering] I was--
It's just that we were--
Hen Wen got dirty.
[Dallben] Oh, I see.
Another dream, Taran ?
But, Dallben, wont I ever be anything
but an assistant pig keeper?
She's a special pig, Taran.
- [Snorting]
- [Chuckles]
Now, give her a nice bath.
Well, Hen,
it looks as though...
I'll still be an assistant pig keeper
when I'm as old as Dallben.
[Laughs] You like that, dont you ?
[Laughing] Now for the part
you like best.
Hey, come on, Hen.
I havent finished scrubbing your ba--
- [Squealing]
- Hen, whats the matter?
Calm down, Hen.
- [Continues Squealing]
-Stop it, please! What's the matter?
- Hen Wen--
-Taran, whats going on ?
I-I don't know.
There's something wrong
with Hen Wen.
What? Quickly, lad.
Bring her inside.
-[Taran] What's that for?
- Put Hen Wen down.
I never use her powers
unless I have to,
but now I must.
- ''Powers'' ?
-Taran, what you are about to see,
you must never reveal to anyone.
Hen Wen, from you,
I do beseech...
knowledge that lies
beyond my reach,
troubled thoughts
beyond your heart.
Pray you now
those thoughts impart.
[Dallben Sighs] The Horned King.
- [Gasps]
-Shh-shh-shh. Don't interfere.
He is searching.
The Black Cauldron!
-So that's it.
- ''The Black Cauldron'' ?
[Dallben] An awesome weapon, Taran.
It's been hidden
for centuries,
but if the Horned King
should find it...
and unleash its power,
nothing could stand
against him.
[Taran] That's Hen Wen.
[Dallben] He knows.
Stop! Enough!
You must leave here at once.
Take Hen Wen
to the hidden cottage...
at the edge
of the forbidden forest.
Hide there and never bring her out
until I come for you.
''Hide'' ? But why?
Only I knew the secret
of Hen Wen's power,
but now the Horned King
has discovered it.
We must make sure he never uses
it to find the Black Cauldron.
I'm not afraid
of the Horned King.
Then you are a very foolish lad.
Untried courage is no match
for his evil.
Just remember that.
Now, off you go,
my boy,
and take care
of yourself.
Good-bye, Dallben.
I won't fail you.
So much, so soon...
to rest
on his young shoulders.
[Thunder Rumbling]
Oh, yes.
Yes, my soldiers.
Soon the Black Cauldron
will be mine.
Its evil power will course
through my veins,
and I shall make you...
Cauldron born.
Yes. Yes. Oh, yes.
Then you will worship me!
Oh, my soldiers.
How long
I have thirsted...
to be a god...
among mortal men.
[Taran] Gosh, Hen Wen.
I never knew...
you could create visions
and things like that.
I thought you were just
an ordinary pig.
I had no idea
you were so... special.
Dallben's going to be glad
that he put his trust in me.
Just you wait and see.
Now, don't go
wandering about.
And dont you worry.
Keep close to me,
and no one
will do you any harm.
Not while I'm around.
- I won't let the Horned King
get close to you, Hen.
- [Sniffing]
- I'll protect you.
-[Crowd Cheering]
[Cheering Continues]
[Man] Taran of Caer Dallben,
the greatest warrior
in all Prydain,
a true hero!
[Crowd Cheering]
Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you all.
But without the help of my pig,
Hen Wen, here, I--
Hen Wen, where are you ?
Hen Wen ?
Oh, no!
Hen Wen!
[Twigs Cracking, Wings Flapping]
Is that you, Hen ?
Look what I've got.
-Come on out. Here's a lovely--
[Laughing, Kissing]
Ooh, great prince. Give poor, starving
Gurgi munchings and crunchings.
Nice apple.
Good prince. Good apple.
Oh, boy, what a juicy apple.
Hey. No, you don't!
I didn't give you that apple.
You took it. Ow!
Hey, hold on, you hairy, little thief.
Come back with my apple!
If you don't give it back,
you'll be sorry. I mean it.
I'm warning you.
Give it back.
Come on. The apple--
Where is it?
Uh-uh. Gurgi not know
where the ap-- Uh-oh.
Give it back.
I warn you.
Come on.
-Come on, the apple. Let's have it.
You horrible,
greedy thing.
You should be ashamed
of yourself!
Oh, poor,
miserable Gurgi deserves...
fierce smackings and whackings
on his poor, tender head.
[Sniffling] Always left with
no munchings and crunchings.
Forgive poor Gurgi.
Oh, stop that sniveling.
I'm not going to hurt you.
Now, look here.
Have you seen my pig ?
Round, fat piggy?
- Big snout? [Snorting]
- Yes, yes.
-Curly tail ?
-That's her. That's Hen Wen!
Uh-uh. Nope.
Gurgi not see piggy. Nope.
Oh, never mind.
No telling where
Hen Wen is by now.
Ooh, master, master.
Now Gurgi remembers! Yes, yes!
Clever, sharp-eyed Gurgi saw
the piggy run. [Imitates Hoof beats]
Yes, right through the forest!
Mm-hmm. I saw it! I saw it!
Gurgi will find the lost piggy.
Then we'll be friends
Munchings and crunchings
in here somewhere.
-[Distressed Squealing]
- It's Hen Wen! She's in trouble!
Hen Wen!
[Squealing Continues]
-[Flying Creatures Squawking]
- Hen Wen!
- [Hen Wen Squealing]
- [Roaring]
[Taran] Hen Wen, look out!
[Hen Wen Squealing]
[Taran] Look out!
[Continues Squealing]
Come on! Hurry, Hen!
No! Don't! Hen, hurry!
[Panicked Squealing]
Don't! No!
No! No!
No! Come back!
No! No! Come back!
[Hen Wen Squealing]
Hen Wen.
I must get her
out of there.
[Gurgi] Oh, no, great lord.
Not go in there.
Forget the piggy.
-What are you doing here ?
-Gurgi come back to be your friend.
''Friend'' ?
You're no friend!
Why, you ran away when I--
Oh, never mind.
I promised Dallben
I would keep Hen safe.
I have to go.
- [Thunder Rumbling]
-Well, uh, are you coming ?
Me ? Go in there ?
Oh, no, no, no.
It's a terrible place.
Justas I thought.
You're no friend.
You're just
a miserable coward.
Here. This is all
you wanted.
If great lord go
into evil castle,
poor Gurgi will never see
his friend again.
Nope. Never.
[Snoring Continues]
[Continues Snoring]
[Snarling, Barking]
[Snarling, Barking Continue]
[Henchman] Shut up,
you thick-skulled dolt.
Always barking at nothing.
-All right,
might as well make our rounds.
- [Growling]
[Door Creaking]
[Men Chattering]
[Chattering, Laughing]
Here's to everybody!
More wine and meat
for my men!
-And more women.
- [Screams]
Quiet. I'm trying to sleep.
- [Henchmen Cheering, Hooting]
- How about a kiss, princess ?
Gad, youre a lovely one!
-Come on!
- Here.
Keep your hands off,
you little creeper.
Going somewhere,
[Henchmen Laughing]
Kiss me, love, and I'll die
with a smile on my face.
[Eerie Howling]
[Electrical Crackling]
Welcome, Your Majesty.
We're just celebrating
our success.
Oh, I mean your success.
We've made no mistakes,
this time.
[Laughing, Panting]
Bring in the prisoner!
[Taran Whispers] Oh, no.
There, sire.
This is the pig that creates visions.
All right, pig,
show His Majesty...
where the Black Cauldron
can be found!
Go on!
Show it!
Stubborn little thing, isnt she?
[Gasping, Laughing]
Yes, sire. You're quite right.
I'll take care of it at once.
The Black Cauldron.
Where is it?
-Show us, swine!
- [Gasps]
I warn you.
The King's patience is short.
[Banner Rips]
[Henchmen Chattering]
Get him! The sneaking, no-good--
Get back, or I'll--
[Mumbles, Grunts]
- [Chuckling]
-[Creeper] Release him.
Well, here.
Hen Wen.
Oh, Hen Wen.
There, there.
I presume, my boy,
you are the keeper
of this oracular pig.
Yes, sir.
Then instruct her
to show me...
the whereabouts...
of the Black Cauldron.
Oh, sir, I-I-I can't.
I promised.
Very well.
In that case,
the pig is no use to me.
[Creeper Laughing]
- [Hen Wen Squealing]
-What are you going to do ?
No! You can't!
- [Squeals]
[Taran] No! Stop!
I'll make her tell you.
That's better.
Now, get on
with the vision, pig.
Hen Wen, from you,
I do beseech...
knowledge that lies
beyond my reach.
[Laughing] Look! Look, sire!
It's working!
[Horned King Sighs]
The Black Cauldron.
So it does exist.
Go on.
Yes, yes.
Where is it?
Show me.
Show me.
- [Screams]
- [Horned King Screaming]
-Come on, Hen!
- [Hissing]
After them!
Get them! After them!
- [Henchmen Shouting]
- [Chains Clanking]
[Squawking, Gasping]
- [Creeper Laughing]
- [Butcher Grunts]
- [Taran Gasps]
-Gotcha, pig boy!
[Henchmen Shouting]
The moat.
It's our only chance.
Come on, Hen.
-[Henchmen Shouting]
- [Taran Grunting]
- [Squeals]
-[Taran] Swim, Hen! Swim!
- I'm coming! [Gasps]
- [Creeper Laughing]
Gotcha, pig boy!
I caught him, Your Majesty!
I caught the boy.
But you let the pig go,
didnt you ?
It wasn't my fault.
Throw the boy into the dungeon!
[Henchmen Chuckling]
[Door Slams]
[Dallben's Voice] You must make sure
he never uses Hen Wen...
to find the Black Cauldron.
[Taran's Voice] I won't
fail you, Dallben.
Look at me, Hen!
I can do it!
I can do it!
I can do it. I can do it.
[Continues Crying]
[Stone Moving]
[Taran Gasps]
Hmm, I thought
I heard a noise in here.
Oh! Was that you ?
-Yeah. Yes.
- You're being held
a prisoner, arent you?
-I'm being held against my will too.
It lights up.
[Girl Giggles] Of course.
It's magic.
Oh, I hate this place.
I do hope
there arent any rats in here.
Not that I really mind them,
you know,
but they do jump out
atone so.
I'm Princess Eilonwy.
Are you a lord or a warrior?
I'm an assistant pig keeper.
Oh, what a pity.
I was so hoping for someone
who could help me escape.
Oh, well, if you want
to come with me, you may.
-Can I ?
-Yes. I said you could.
Oh, that wicked,
wicked king.
You know he stole me. He thought
my bauble could tell him...
where some
old cauldron was.
That's what
he wanted my pig for.
[Eilonwy] Oh, yes. Your pig.
But my pig
can tell the future.
Ooh, how interesting.
Well, youd better stay close
to me, or youll get lost.
[Rats Screeching]
-Your bauble.
- It's always chasing those rats.
[Eilonwy Gasps] A burial chamber.
This could be the tomb of the great king
who built this castle...
before the Horned King
took it over.
[Gasping, Groaning]
Are you all right?
Well, come on, then.
Help me look around.
[Taran] He must have been
a great warrior.
A sword.
[Cart Approaching]
[Creeper Chuckling]
This will please him.
It's a good lot this time.
Hurry! In with it!
he'll reward me for this.
[Chuckling, Grunting]
- [Panting]
- Don't stop, you weakling!
Put some muscle into it.
[Panting, Grunting]
Let's get out of here
before they come back.
Where did you get that sword ?
- Back there.
-You mean--
Well, he's not going to use it.
[Dog Barking]
[Man] You're making a horrendous
mistake. I'm not a spy.
I'm a bard.
I-I-I sing.
-I-I-I entertain. I-I--
-[Barking Continues]
Careful, sir.
These are the hands of an artist.
- [Groaning]
-This will hold you.
Look, you seem an intelligent
sort of chap to me. Eh ?
[Chuckles] I assure you, I had
no idea who owned this castle.
- I just happened to be passing.
- [Growling]
He's nice, isn't he ?
What's his name ? [Whistles]
- [Ferocious Barking]
- [Screams, Stammering]
Down, boy! Down!
- [Barking, Growling]
-[Henchman] Come on.
[Bard] You don't realize who I am.
I shall sing
of your dastardly deed.
I'm Fflewddur Fflam,
minstrel of minstrels!
Balladeer to the grandest courts
in all the land!
And I--
Well, have you forgotten ?
I have sung in some
of the finest courts.
I'm only waiting
for an invitation.
- [Bass String Snaps]
-Oh, shush.
Why do you have to judge
every word I say? [Gasps]
Who's that?
Oh, hello. We'll have you
untied in a moment.
I'm Princess Eilonwy...
and you're in bad trouble,
arent you ?
''Trouble'' ?
Dont you know where you are ?
Havent you seen him ?
[Henchman] Pig boy has escaped.
Look in there.
-[Taran Gasps] We've been discovered.
-That's you ?
Oh, great beelin.
Run! Run!
Make haste!
''Make haste'' ?
I must save myself.
[Henchmen] I think he went
through the passage!
All right.
Let's try down here.
[Henchmen Shouting]
Princess ?
Princess Eilonwy?
Pig boy!
You little scut!
- [Grunting]
-[Henchman Yells]
- [Gasping]
- [Continues Yelling]
[Drops Axe]
No, no, no.
Are you all right?
-Oh, good. You're safe.
-Why, of course. I--
-Come on. I'm going to get you
out of here.
- [Screams]
-[Henchman] There they are!
-Quick! Up here.
- [Panting, Screams]
- [Roars]
Taran, the sword.
[Dog Barking, Fflewddur Shouting]
Help! Murder!
Keep going, Princess.
[Sword Humming]
- [Taran Laughing]
-There he is! There he is!
[Continues Laughing]
Over there!
Stop him!
- [Eilonwy] Taran!
- There they are!
-Come on! Get them!
-Oh, no! Taran!
[Creeper Laughing]
We've got you now, pig boy!
- [Growls]
- [Gasps]
Taran, do something!
- [Gasping]
- Use the sword!
[Fflewddur] Make way! Make way!
Stand aside. I command you!
Get out from under my feet!
[Creeper Screams, Laughs]
Let me go, you brute!
[Taran] Run, Princess! Run!
Stay up!
Please, stay up!
Why didnt you tell me
you had a magic sword ?
[Wheezing, Sighs]
I'll say it wasn't my fault.
That's it.
That's it. I always get blamed
for these things.
I'll just tell him,
and if he gets mad...
Ill just
straighten him out.
That's it. I'm not going
to be kicked around for this.
S-Sire ?
You bring news of the pig ?
No, not exactly, sire.
Oh, it's the pig keeper.
He's-- Ooh, he's--
[Stammering Continues]
He's... escaped.
Oh. Oh. Oh, sire!
Allow me.
[Continues Gasping]
Isn't that enough?
He'll find his pig.
Send the gwythaints
to follow that boy.
Oh, yes, sire!
Oh, yes!
By all means, sire!
[Creeper Laughing]
[Fflewddur Singing]
The world will applaud me
Its praise will reward me
And I, Fflewddur Fflam
will find fame
They're almost finished, Fflewddur.
Hmm, it's not too good,
but it will hold for awhile.
Yes, I shall sing
of your deed.
It would be better to sing
of our heroic escape.
Werent you a bit frightened,
A Fflam frightened ?
-The word is not in my vocabulary.
- [Strings Vibrating]
But in this case,
well-chosen, my dear.
- I wasnt afraid.
-Ouch! Not afraid?
Why, we were running
for our lives.
Well, I got us out
of the castle, didn't I ?
You ? I'd say it was
the sword's magic.
But it takes a great warrior
to handle a sword like this.
But still,
it is a magic sword.
Ha! What does a girl
know about swords anyway?
''Girl'' ? Girl ?
If it weren't for this girl,
you would still be
in the Horned King's dungeon.
Here now,
Princess Eilonwy, Taran.
At least I don't keep
talking about it forever.
Oh, you're so, so boring!
Princess Eilonwy--
How dare you
take his side!
I really didn't--
[Continues Stammering]
I didnt mean to interfere, you know.
Silly girl.
Even if she is a princess.
[Gasps, Crying]
But were going
to have to, to--
[Sighs, Mutters]
Dear, oh, dear.
- [Crying]
- Hello.
Fflewddur is right,
you know.
We are going to have
to work together.
And we'll find your pig.
I'm sure it's important.
Thank you for getting me
out of the dungeon.
Oh, but we couldn't have
done it without you.
Well, at least were all safe.
-[Fflewddur Shouting] Great beelin!
- [Gasps] Fflewddur!
Help! Murder!
- [Laughing] Gurgi's lucky day.
-Get this thing off me.
-Yes, keep it! It's a gift!
-Want this. Gurgi want this.
-Go ahead.
- I'm sure you've murdered for less.
-[Harp Twanging]
Want. Want.
Gurgi want!
-[Gasping Continues]
- [Grunts]
- Master? Oh, old man fell down.
Get up. Get up.
[Fflewddur Sighs]
Well, really.
Who is your pungent,
little friend ?
He's no friend of mine.
He's just a coward
and a thief.
Too big anyway.
[Eilonwy Sighs]
You're charming.
-And pungent too.
- [Laughing]
Well, what are you
waiting for?
Yes, yes. That's it.
Toddle off. Toddle off.
Gurgi go!
Tracks ? Tracks!
Gurgi remember.
Saw piggy's tracks.
-You did ?
-Today? Wait a minute.
- He'll try anything.
Oh, youre both horrid.
He just might know.
- Pretty lady come too ?
-Well, I--
-Yes, yes, yes!
Follow Gurgi! Follow Gurgi!
- [Laughing]
You better
be telling the truth.
Gurgi not lie,
not this time.
See, master?
Piggy's footsteps.
No lie.
Oh, good.
They look fresh.
Oh, master. Master!
Gurgi, hold on!
[Eilonwy] Oh, no! Taran!
-Give me your hand!
-We're doomed.
How did they
get in here ?
Old Doli's whirlpool broke again.
- [Laughing]
- I bet they wake up soon.
We better tell King Eidellig.
No, silly. You know were not
supposed to be up here.
Uh-oh. We're all
going to be in trouble.
- Not me.
- Me either.
- Uh-oh.
- [Water Dripping]
Oh, yes. I see you fixed that.
Yep. When...
I get this...
last peg in here,
I'll be finished.
Good. Hmm.
Yes. That should work.
It's perfect.
Grab that pole!
[Eidellig] Uh, I got it.
Oh, arent you
all darling ?
Uh, hello.
I'm King Eidellig
of the Fairfolk.
How the blazes did they--
[King Eidellig] I thought I told you
to fix the whirlpool.
I fixed it. I did fix it!
It was perfect!
Evidently, not completely perfect.
It's supposed
to keep them out.
- Uh, can I be of any service ?
-Is everything that happens
around here my fault?
-Are you on a friendly visit?
-And I suppose it's my fault
the pig's here too!
- Hen Wen ?
-Oh, she's your pig ?
Oh, good.
One less thing
for old Doli to worry about.
-[King Eidellig] Uh, Doli.
-[Doli] What now?
- Would you hurry and fetch the pig?
-[Doli Shouts]
- [Muttering]
- [Giggling]
Hey, you kids.
What are you doing ?
Oh, Mr. Doli, I just want to see
the pretty lady.
Well, now, you watch yourselves.
I can't believe my eyes,
Your Majesty.
[Doli] Watch it. Watch it!
[Taran] Oh, Hen!
Thank goodness you're--
Tell me. Is the burning and killing
still going on up there ?
You refer
to that-that-that-that...
joke on humanity,
the Horned King.
Will no one
ever stand up to him ?
We've seen him, and if he finds
the Cauldron, he'll kill us all.
Oh, no, no.
He'll never find it.
No, no.
It's safely hid in Morva.
- ''Morva'' ?
-Well, at least I think it is.
Oh, Doli, is it?
-[Doli] Really?
Is that one of my new jobs,
remembering where
the Cauldron was last seen?
[Doli Laughing] Gee!
Oh, he'll know right where it is.
You'll see.
If we could get to the Cauldron
first and destroy it--
-Oh, this isn't right, Taran.
- But dont you see ?
If we destroy the Cauldron,
it will stop the Horned King.
Please, come with me.
Wait, I never thought--
-That's a hard place to get to.
-Why, you can take them.
Do you mean we're trusting
our lives to- to- to him?
-And what is wrong with me ?
- [Stammering] Oh, nothing.
-Splendid choice. [Chuckles]
- [Twanging, Snaps]
Shall we, then ?
[Fflewddur Sputtering]
Wait! Hen Wen!
Oh, dont worry.
We'll get her home safely.
Oh, thank you, sir.
Be good, Hen.
[Doli] Well, if its
the Marshes of Morva you wanted,
here you are.
Such a dreary place.
Let's see what it looks
like from up here.
I think we're lost.
Are you sure this is
the right place, Doli ?
Yes, I'm sure!
Well, if you ask me--
- Fflewddur! Doli!
-Are you all right?
[Muffled ] Hey, look out,
you big, clumsy oaf!
Look where you--
Welcome to Morva.
Well, s-someone
must live here.
Gurgi not like this place.
Uh-uh. No.
It seems empty.
Maybe we should
have a look.
If I can just
get this door open.
How will we ever find the Black Cauldron
in a place like this ?
It must be here
[Door Creaking]
- [Croaking]
- [Screaming]
- [Frog Croaks]
- They're only frogs, Eilonwy.
Those were people.
You mean they were
turned into frogs ?
- [Grunts]
-Ooh, master, come quickly.
Gurgi found
the wicked Cauldron.
Quick, quick, quick!
Follow Gurgi!
- Behold, master.
-The whole room is full of cauldrons.
I don't understand.
Why would, why would
anyone want so many--
[Woman Screams]
Thieves! Thieves!
Someone stole
all our frogs!
You evil, nasty people.
You shall all be turned
into frogs and eaten!
Huh ?
Nice and tender.
Stop that, you, you--
Oh. So nice to meet you, ladies.
[Nervous Chuckle]
-Good-bye. [Gasps]
- Wait.
My, arent you
the handsome one ?
Wh-Who ? M-M-Me ?
Oh, honestly, now,
dont you find me
irresistible ?
Yes. Well, of course,
most attractive.
- [Twanging]
-Shush! Stop that.
You dont mind if I...
pluck your harp,
- [Stammering]
-do you, handsome ?
Bah! Enough of that
lovesick nonsense.
- [Electricity Crackles]
-Great beelin'!
We're going to have
toad stew.
You're not gonna eat
this one.
Come here, love.
-Can anyone here perform marriages ?
- Marriages ? [Sputtering]
You love struck witch!
Where is he ?
Where'd he go ?
Where are you ?
Don't go.
Now look what youve done.
- He's gone! I'll never
forgive you for this, Orgoch.
- [Sighs]
- Never!
- [Panting]
Whoo! There you are!
- [Buzzing]
- [Slurps]
[Witches Laughing]
Enough! We've come
for the Black Cauldron.
Did you hear that, sisters ?
Why, nobody's asked for
the Black Cauldron in over 2,000 years.
It's a trick. We're not going to let
them have it, are we ?
Dont worry.
Leave it to me.
Perhaps I might interest you
in something else:
a kettle, a cook pot,
a skillet, a teapot,
-a bucket, a jar, a platter?
- [Clattering]
See anything you like ?
I don't believe it.
[Clattering Continues]
I've never seen
a sword like that.
I've got to have
that sword.
Listen carefully. We'll trade
the Cauldron for the sword.
But what can they do
with the Cauldron, Orddu?
Nothing! That's the point.
Dont you see ?
We'll end up with both the sword
and the Cauldron. [Chuckles]
It's decided then.
You shall have the Black Cauldron.
You mean...
you'll give it to us ?
That's not what I said.
You weren't listening.
We never give anything away.
What we do is bargain,
-Well, youll not have my sword!
May I ask you ladies to perhaps
consider this magnificent harp ?
A harp ?
Oh, when we want music,
we send for the birds.
- [Birds Chirping]
-What would we do with a simple harp ?
Wait! Gurgi will trade
his crunchings and munchings.
-Who would want--
-Hold it, sister. Not so fast.
All right.
I know what you want.
Yes ?
No, Taran! No!
It's our only chance.
Here is my sword.
Take it.
Is it your own choice,
duckling ?
With this sword,
you could be
the greatest of warriors.
Yes. I offer
my dearest possession...
in exchange
for the Black Cauldron.
Agreed. We have
made a bargain.
[Laughter Echoing]
[Pots Clattering]
-[Taran] Look out!
- [Wind Whistling]
[Doli] Help!
[Creaking, Clattering]
[Eilonwy] Taran, watch out!
- [Gasps] Great beelin'!
-[Objects Crashing]
- [Roots Creaking]
-[Rumbling Continues]
The Black Cauldron.
It's ours!
[Witches Cackling]
[Orddu] I say,
what funny little ducklings.
Dont they know the Black
Cauldron is indestructible ?
Now, listen carefully.
The Black Cauldron
can never be destroyed.
Only its evil powers
can be stopped.
Then there is a way.
But how?
A living being must
climb into it...
of his own free will.
Gurgi is bold and brave.
He will climb
into the evil Cauldron.
However, the poor duckling
will never climb out alive.
N-N-Now, look here, madam.
Don't forget we had
an agreement.
Yes. You said we could
have the Cauldron.
Of course we said
you could have the Cauldron.
It's not our fault you can't
do anything with it.
[Thunder Crashing]
[Orgoch] Good-bye, goslings.
Remember, we always keep a bargain.
What a bunch
of blundering misfits!
Things just never work out when
you're dealin' with people!
You can go back
to feeding pigs!
I've had it!
Doli's right.
It's-It's my fault.
I let you down.
Without my sword,
I'm nothing...
just an assistant
pig keeper.
Look, you are somebody.
You must believe
in yourself.
- I believe in you.
-[Taran] Y-You do?
And I think that youre--
Uh... I mean--
- That is--
-[Eilonwy] Yes, Taran?
I mean, uh--
[Both Laughing]
What I mean is
I'm grateful to all of you.
You've been true friends.
Now it's up to me--
- Look!
- Uh-oh. Trouble. Good-bye.
-[Screeching Continues]
Quick! We can't
let them find us.
[Henchman Grunts] Pig boy!
-[Fierce Grunting]
- [Screams]
[Henchmen Continue Grumbling]
Fight where you are,
pig boy.
[Henchmen Laughing]
[Chains Rattling]
[Creeper] Get a move on!
Careful, now.
You! Pile them up
over there!
And get that cart
out of here!
Oh, oh! I'm sorry.
I've ignored you.
You did come for the Black Cauldron,
didnt you?
Good. Then climb in!
It will only cost you your life.
[Laughs] Oh.
is-is ready, sire.
My, such a brave
and handsome group:
a pig boy,
a scullery maid...
and a broken-down minstrel.
Perhaps it may interest you to see
what fate has in store for you.
[Sinister Laughter]
Now I call on my army
of the dead,
the Cauldron born.
- [Bones Rattling]
-Arise, my messengers of death.
Our time has arrived.
[Rumbling, Bubbling]
[Electricity Crackling]
[Rats Screeching]
[Electricity Crackling]
Oh, it's horrible.
[Horned King] My beloved warriors
have come to life.
All the dead
of centuries past.
Never has anyone created
an army like this.
Go forth,
my deathless warriors!
Destroy all in your path!
[Crazy Laughter]
Come, sire. We can get
a better view from above.
Oh, Taran.
I'm afraid it'll soon
be over for us.
I-I hadn't planned it
to end like this, Eilonwy.
Oh, I wish I'd stayed a toad.
Only moments away
from victory.
My greatest triumph.
We did it, sire!
We did it!
I-I-I mean, I mean you.
Yes, of course,
you did it, sire.
[Taran] Gurgi? Gurgi?
Is that you?
- Master!
what are you
doing here ?
Gurgi is sorry he always
runs away when there's trouble.
He will untie everybody.
Then we will leave
this evil place.
Yeah, but, uh,
get on with it.
Good boy, Gurgi! Eilonwy,
you and Fflewddur go with Gurgi.
I must stop the Cauldron.
Oh, but, Taran, that's impossible.
Why, youd be--
- Taran!
- I'm sorry, Eilonwy.
Please, Taran.
No! You can't!
My mind is made up.
Wait, master!
Gurgi not let you jump into Cauldron.
-Gurgi, get out of my way!
- [Thunderclaps]
Please, master.
Not go into evil Cauldron.
If I don't, we're all lost.
Out of my way!
No, Gurgi not let
his friend die.
Taran has many friends.
Gurgi has no friends.
Gurgi, no!
Don't jump! Wait!
No! No!
[Fire Crackling]
Oh, no.
- [Wind Whistling]
- [Electricity Crackling]
Sire ?
Sire, look.
Something's wrong.
What is it, sire?
They're-They're dying!
It cant be.
-This had better not be your fault.
- [Gasps]
[Nervous Laughing]
Perhaps it needs another body, sire.
-Yes. Yours!
- [Gasping]
Get Eilonwy out of here.
- But, Taran, I-- Please, I--
-Go on! Go with Fflewddur.
M-Maybe there's still
a chance for Gurgi.
- [Gasps]
[Wind Whistling]
No, sire! Please!
Get up!
Come alive!
Maybe they're only resting, sire.
[Nervous Chuckle]
Do something!
My life is at stake!
Get up, you fools! Kill!
Look! Sire, look!
It's the pig boy.
It's his fault. Yes.
He's the cause of it!
You've interfered
for the last time.
[Crazy Laughter]
Go for his throat, sire.
Now, pig keeper,
you shall die.
No! Don't!
What? What's this ?
No, youll not escape.
You shall satisfy
the Cauldron's hunger.
Oh, no.
You'll not have me!
My power cannot die!
Curse you!
No! No!
- [Electricity Crackling]
- [Horned King Screaming]
[Continues Screaming]
Oh, no.
How-How-How horrible.
Poor sire.
He-He's gone.
[Gasps, Chuckles]
He's gone.
He's gone!
[Continues Laughing]
He's gone!
Fflewddur! Eilonwy!
[Eilonwy] Over here! Hurry!
Thank goodness you're safe.
Come on, Fflewddur.
Run for your lives!
Come on. Jump.
Taran, look!
Quick. Get in.
Let's go.
Here. Push off, Fflewddur.
Eh ? Uh-oh.
Uh, trouble.
Oh, we can't
get through.
I-I'll try
to open the gate.
Taran, be careful,
[Chains Rattling]
Hurry! Move on through.
Come on, Fflewddur.
Oh, good work, lad.
Let me give you--
Look out!
[Creeper Laughing]
[Laughter Fades]
-[Witches Cackling]
-Gurgi ?
-[Orgoch] Why is the duckling so sad?
Yes. He's got
what he wanted,
and he's still
not satisfied.
Just what do you think
you're up to, ladies ?
Oh, we have business
with your little hero.
Hero ? Gurgi was the hero.
The only thing that mattered
to you was the Cauldron,
but now it's
no use to you.
-So we'll just take it
and be on our way.
-[Fflewddur Sputtering]
Stay your hand, ladies.
We never give anything away.
[Clears Throat]
We bargain. We trade. Remember?
Did-Did these old ears hear
the word ''bargain'' ? Hmm ?
Yes, madam,
those old ears heard right.
I adore forceful men.
Oh, pull yourself together, madam.
Now, come on, out with it.
What is your offer?
- No, not my--
-Then I'll do it.
[Electricity Crackling]
A magnificent sword for a warrior.
I'm not a warrior.
I'm a pig boy.
What would I do
with a sword ?
Absolutely nothing.
-But I would trade...
- [Together] Yes ?
the Cauldron for Gurgi.
- [Gasps] Dear!
- It's not possible.
Justas I thought, ladies.
You've got no real power!
-Admit it! Admit it!
- [Thunder Crashing]
[Wind Whistling]
[Orddu] We have made a bargain.
[Eilonwy] Oh, Taran.
Munchings and crunchings
in here somewhere.
You're alive!
He's alive.
-[Eilonwy Laughs]
Great beelin', He is alive.
Oh, Fflewddur, Fflewddur.
He's alive!
I'm alive! [Laughing]
Gurgi's alive!
Look, look, look!
Touch me! [Laughing]
Gurgi, you clever
little thing.
- [Laughing]
- [Both Laughing]
Come on, Gurgi.
Let's go home.
Gurgi's happy day!
- [Both Laughing]
-Come on.
Great beelin'.
You did well, my boy.

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