I Heard The Bluebirds Sing lyrics
by Rita Coolidge
I met a girl down in the hills
That gave my lonely heart a thrill
Her beauty seemed just like a breath of spring
And when I looked into her eyes
I thought it blue as a summer skies
And when I held her hand in mine
I heard the bluebirds sing
They sang of wondering
Wondering if you'll love her
Will she marry, marry if you'll ask her?
Will her heart be heart be true
For him for then and evermore?
And when she's lonely, lonely is he near her
When there's sadness
Sadness will her cheer her
Will they always
Always be together until the day they part?
I courted her for months on end
Until she promised we would wed
We planned on being married in the spring
All through the long cold winter months
It seemed that spring would never come
And every gloomy winter day
I heard the bluebirds sing
They sang of waiting, waiting for the flowers
And of counting, counting every hour
Till the bluebirds, till the bluebirds
Chirps his welcome and tips the world each morn
And though we've waiting for the sunshine
We keep hating, hating every storm cloud
That has gathered, gathered over the mountains
To keep us for apart
And when at last spring touched the earth
We were married in the village church
Our wedding seems just like a dream come true
So many years have come and gone
Our love is still as true and strong
As when I found longer ago, till the bluebirds sing
They sang of loving, loving every hour
That I'm married married to my flower
We'll be happy, happy ever after
As since the day we've met
And though we've older, older the love is sweeter
We grow fonder, fonder to each other
We'll be sweethearts, sweethearts
Close together until the day of time