Stacy Be Brave (Save the Dogs Today) lyrics
by The Gregory Brothers
All I've ever wanted has happened
This game is creepily accurate
About cat stomachs
The beauty of nature
The cruelty of nature
You got this, girl
Good stuff lies ahead, don't worry
There's a hair in my face
We gotta get back to our base
We're gonna have to go, I dunno
I don't have a bow
Gonna hide behind this tree, k buddy?
Don't mind me, stay alive Stacy
Oh, the screams
The terrible screams
Stacy, be brave
Be brave
Be brave
We've gotta go save the dogs today
I like this game
This game
This game
We've gotta go save the dogs today
This is not a drill
This is not a drill
I have to kill Cruella de Vil
Oh this is bad
What is that?
It's a fluffy cat
Carnage is real
You're a seal
This is not a drill
Just a drill site
Glowing light
All alone at night
I ate a waiter
Destroying the world
You go, girl!
I'm unstoppable
Aren't I full?
Take over the world and kill us all
What's that music?
Never mind
I don't feel safe at all
Stacy, be brave
Be brave
Be brave
We've gotta go save the dogs today
I like this game
This game
This game
We've gotta go save the dogs today
I don't know where we're going, Dogear
I don't even know how you got here
But my cats are not here
Oh my gosh, I saw a deer
There's a bear
There's a bear over there
I'm very scared
I'm scared, bear
I've stumbled into a bear's lair
No! No!
That's not fair!
Stacy, be brave
Be brave
Be brave
We've gotta go save the dogs today
I like this game
This game
This game
We've gotta go save the dogs today
Stacy, be brave
Be brave
Be brave
We've gotta go save the dogs today
I like this game
This game
This game
We've gotta go save the dogs today
Until next time
Page and Molly love you
Go rescue a dog!