What the hell is this?
This, Morty, is my archive of all the experiences you've begged me to remove from your life
Lest you go insane
I call them
Morty's Mind Blowers!
Your mind's been blown - countless times
Morty's Mind Blowers!
Save it for YouTube
We should never take things for granite
Return the Truth Tortoise
Morty! Hurry!
Whatever you do, don't drop the Truth Tortoise
Oh geez, I can't get that Truth Tortoise out of my head
Yeah, I told you not to look into its eyes
I can't go on, I can't go on like this with the Truth Tortoise sh*t in my head
I wish you could just... - Erase the memory from your mind?
How did you know I was gonna say that?
Come on Morty... Come with me
I call them
Morty's Mind Blowers!
Your mind's been blown - countless times
Morty's Mind Blowers!
Aids booger
I call them
Morty's Mind Blowers!
Your mind's been blown - countless times
Morty's Mind Blowers!
Life's short
We should never take things for granite
Ha ha ha ha ha! Your Morty is gone
I am Voltamatron - Destroyer of Worlds
Morty's Mind Blowers!
Morty's Mind Blowers!
Morty's Mind Blowers!
All those memories just erased
Morty's Mind Blowers!
Sitting in this room, collecting dust
(Lambs to the cosmic slaughter!)
Morty's Mind Blowers!
Your mind's been blown - countless times
Morty's Mind Blowers!
We should never take things for granite
Morty's Mind Blowers!
Your mind's been blown - countless times
Morty's Mind Blowers!
Mor - ty's mind blow - ers!