I Bless the Gas down in Magma lyrics
by Toto
[Verse 1: Mantle convection]
Mantle convection driving continents
Hot in the middle at the core cold at the edges
Convection currents carry heat up
Carrying new rock material to the surface of the Earth
Heat from accretion and isotopes
Earth’s liquid outer core convects creating the magnetic field
Making mountains shifting continents
Mantle convection breaks into Earth’s plates
The planet’s dynamic, we had no clue
Plate tectonics, they move around, they have no glue
I bless the gas down in magma
Without it we couldn’t do the things we never had
[Verse 2: Plate tectonics and formation of the continents and crust]
Plate tecs causes continental drift
Seafloor is spreading, causing the surface of the earth to rift
Evidence for continental drift
Fossil distributions, compositions, rocks, and polar wander curves
Wilson cycle creates new crust
Surface movement is caused by faults
Plate tectonics make the earth dynamic
The planet’s dynamic, we had no clue
Plate tectonics, they move around, they have no glue
I bless the gas down in magma
Without it, we couldn’t do the things we never had
[Verse 3: volcanoes, supervolcanoes]
Volcanoes formed the atmosphere
Changing landscapes, fertile soil, impacting climate
Magma underground mostly H20 and CO2
Gas in the magma chamber controls the eruptive process
Elements of magma form Earth composition
Big eruptions from higher silica content magma
Vents where magma, gas, rock comes out
Volcanoes are why the atmosphere is blue!
The planet’s dynamic, we had no clue
Plate tectonics, they move around, they have no glue
I bless the gas down in magma
Without it, we couldn’t do the things we never had
[Verse 4: earthquakes]
Earthquakes can be deadly, caused by faults
Strike-slip, normal, reverse faults, caused by any plate boundary
Subduction zone earthquakes most deadly
Magnitude and intensity, measures of energy and catastrophe
Magnitude by amplitude, duration, waveform
Megathrust is huge, intraplate is small
Earthquakes come in different sizes
The planet’s dynamic, we had no clue
Plate tectonics, they move around, they have no glue
I bless the gas down in magma
Without it, we couldn’t do the things we never had