One Of The Dúnedain lyrics
by Fran Walsh
[00:51-01:21; Éowyn, Shieldmaiden of the Rohirrim]
[01:53-01:57; Éowyn and Aragorn]
[02:04-02:12; The Fellowship in Rohan]
[02:09-02:18; The Realm of Gondor (in Decline)]
[02:14-02:34; Rivendell]
[02:34-03:06; Evenstar]
Ú i vethed... Ú
Na i onnad i
Si boe ú-dhanna(thach) vethed
Ae ú-esteli(ach) Na i
Esteliach nad onnad
[03:06-03:36; The Heroics of Aragorn]
[04:32-05:05; Evenstar]
Estelio han (Es)teliach
Estelio han
Estelio nad
Estelio han Estelio
Estelio veleth han
[05:07-05:40; The Diminishment of the Elves ("Gilraen's Song")]
A chén(eg)
Le íon adar lín
[06:29-07:11; Evenstar]