Po Dunk University (Skit) lyrics
by The Lacs
Hey man I'm out shootin' a video, whatch y'all doin? Probably sittin' on the couch. I used to be just like you. 2 A.M. eatin' hot pork rind cracklins and watchin' re-runs of Jerry Springer. Then one night I seen a commercial for Po Dunk University. So I called the number, and I've been working the last three weeks now. (Po Dunk University how may I direct your call.) Now when me and my friends go out to eat at McDonalds I can pay for it. Long as it's on the dollar menu. (Thank you come again)
Got to go to Po Dunk
Here at Po Dunk University we have a variety of career choices. Window unit air condition repair man assistant. Tire plugger technician assistant. You can learn to work on push lawn mowers, karaoke machines, VHS players, refrigeration, washing machines, and dryers. Or you can be a chicken house attendant assistant janitors helper, or a scrap metal collector helper, and the list goes on and on
Skills that pay the bills. Gotta go to Po Dunk
I was workin' a dead end job in a place I didn't enjoy. And now I own my very own compact traveling car wash. And I love what I do. Just think I changed it all with just one call, Po Dunk
(Po Dunk)
Yo I just got out of jail, and Po Dunk put me straight to work. Thank god for Po Dunk
(Got to go to Po Dunk)
I got a 1600 on my STD and now I'm enrolled in Po Dunk University. They gave me finances aids and everything. I love Po Dunk
(Po Dunk)
Well I was sittin' there and I I seen the commercial so I called and man they might have hooked me up. Now I'm the best bush hog now I'm the best bush hog now I'm the best bush hog sharpener this side of the Mississippi
(Got to go to Po Dunk)