Later that Night... lyrics


Roger Waters

Later that night
The soldier sits alone in his room in the palace, mulling over his good fortune.

By! It went off just as we thought it would,
That fellow was right. So far, so good!
Just think, a woman to call me own,
After so many years of living alone!

The soldier shuffles a deck of cards
And deals them out on the table,
Trying to divine what the future may bring.
While behind him, unseen, the Devil waits in the wings.

Why not? Why shouldn't the luck be mine?
Ask the cards. What do they say?
Six, Ten, Queen, all of Hearts. Hearts! Trumps all the way!
It's true, why not, why shouldn't it be?
A wife of me own, and between you and me,
She's beautiful, young, the belle of the ball,
Heir to the whole bloody kingdom and all!
Ace of Hearts! There, it's got to be true.
Out of the shadows, the Devil appears.
He's holding the small violin.
He puts up his hand and quietly demurs.

Except, I'm ahead in the queue!
You were rich and esteemed, you had quite a lot,
But you turned up your nose at all that.
A sudden whim, not counting the cost.
And now, my poor young friend, you are lost.
Six of Hearts, Ten of Hearts, trumps all the way.
Do you really believe that it's your lucky day?
Well, Hm? How could zat be true? When I have the cure, I, not you!

The Devil holds the violin infuriatingly under the soldier's nose.
The soldier deflates like a punctured balloon.

It's true what he says, he's got me for sure.
He'll get the Princess, he's got the cure:
I have nothing, I can't even call
No hearts, no trumps, nothing at all.

Oh, dear! Not another depressing scene, when things were going so well?
I may well have to intervene, our boy is so easily put off his stride,
Just seems to wilt when the tide turns against him.
So, although, as a rule, I don't interfere,
It may be that I should interject here.
Now look here, old chap, you've just got to fight back.
Don't give up, you must give it your all.
You are young, you are strong, outwit him by God.
He is, after all, old and small.
I would that I could, but you don't understand.
I can't fight him fair, like an ordinary man.
He's bewitched, he's uncanny, he's got second sight.
No way I can win in a fight.

But you can, you can! For pity's sake, man. Do you not see what he's done?
Wake up, you've been bought, he bought you for cash!
And as long as you still have a penny of his,
He'll still have you under his thumb.
You have to offload your considerable stash.
Give it back, then you'll surely be saved.

He's not daft, he won't just take it all back.
He's sure to sniff out the ruse.

Why don't you get him to play you at cards,
Then, you'll just have to lose?
If he'll play you, his weakness is sure to kick in:
He has an overwhelming compulsion to win.
And, blinded by greed,
He will heed no warning,
Won't notice when you go all in!
All in? What, you mean bet every bean?

I do, I mean, bet everything.
Every pound, every shilling.
Every bolt of fine linen,
Every promissory note, every debt, every groat.
This is your only chance to break free.
Please, my young friend,
Please listen to me.
You really have got to get shot of the lot,
It's the only chance that you've got!

Right, OK, here goes!
Excuse me, I say, excuse me, do you fancy a game?

What? I don't understand.

I said, would you like to play cards like a man?
You know, like cards, it's a game.
Some play for money, some play for fun, I think you're a little bit scared.
Come on, I'll teach you, it's not that hard, it's only a game, come on.

My friend, for you, if you'll teach me, for you, why not?
OK, sure, just a few hands.

He will win, he always likes to win.
You'll lose, then he'll be lost. So come on, begin.

Alright, how much a point should we play for?

A penny? If that's alright with you?

A penny? I'd just be wasting my time, no, no, a penny won't do.
Come on, what's wrong, it's only a game, let's play for a shilling or two.

Well, huh, just as you wish, but you best take care!
You have no more fiddle, no more book,
You have just a few shillings, come on, deal the cards, oh! Goodness gracious me, look!

Naturally, the Devil has the better hand.

Your shillings are flying off over the sea,
You'll soon have nothing left at all,
Hm? My young friend, then where will you be?
You will starve, S.T.A.R.V.E.

They play another hand, naturally, the Devil wins again.

There you are, do you see? You're wasting your time.
You're facing total defeat.
Give up while you can, you ridiculous man,
Or you'll go around naked, with no shoes on your feet!

Raise him ten pounds.

I raise you ten pound!

Are you mad! What? You're losing the game!

Ten pound! Come on, are you in?

Yes! Of course.
Ah, Haha!! I've won again, my dear chap,
Can you take much more of zis pain?

Now! Stake everything you have left! Go all in.

Right, I'm all in, I stake the lot.

Ze lot? What? Everything you've got? All in? The lot? Very well. OK.
Deal the cards. One for me, one for you. So, vat have you got?

Queen of Hearts!

Ah! Hah! And I have the Ace!!! I've won, I've won everything. Yes!
Yes! Yes!
But not so fast, my head's in a bit of a spin,
I feel weak, everything's whirling around…
What? Stand still, damn you, stand still, stand your ground.

There you are, I told you, you could break his spell.
Look at him now, he doesn't look well.
Offer him drink! That'll do him no good!
Say to him: “Here's to your very good health!”
So the soldier approaches and, quick as a wink, says:

Hey, you won, jolly well done, have a drink.

The Devil, unsteady, tries to push it away.

Come on, have a drink! Say when! What d'you say?
Come on, just one more, it's only a game.
That's it, and one more. Come on, and again!

You're really a very pushy young man, I'm a little confused.
I don't quite understand.

Look out! Stand back, he's going to fall!
And he did, lights out, right there on the floor.
Well, I think that's enough.
He seems quite done in.
Now, you can take back your small violin.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #
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