AS Level English Literature Poetry Anthology lyrics
by AQA
U A Fanthorpe - "You will be hearing from us shortly"
Elaine Feinstein - "Father"
Elma Mitchell - "Thoughts After Ruskin"
Rita Dove - "The Great Palaces of Versailles"
William Wordsworth - "The Solitary Reaper"
Molly Holden - "Photograph of Haymaker, 1890"
Gillian Clarke - "Hay-making"
A B 'Banjo' Paterson - "Shearing at Castlereagh"
Allen Ginsberg - "The Bricklayer's Lunch Hour"
Ruth Padel - "Builders"
William Blake - "The Chimney Sweeper"
Tony Harrison - "Working"
C H Sisson - "Money"
Philip Larkin - "Toads"
Simon Armitage - "CV"
R S Thomas - "Iago Prytherch"
Benjamin Zephaniah - "It's Work"