Cruel Lincoln lyrics
by Henry Purcell
[Verse 1]
Said the lord to the lady "I am now going out
Beware of Cruel Lincoln when I am gone out"
[Verse 2]
"What cares I for Lincoln or any of his kin
For my doors are all bolted an my windows are pinned"
[Verse 3]
As soon as the lord had got out of sight
Cruel Lincoln crept in in the middle of the night
[Verse 4]
Got and pricked the sweet baby which caused it to cry
Whilst the nurse sat a singing "oh, hush-a-lullaby"
[Verse 5]
Cruel Lincoln rocked the cradle and the false nurse she sung
And all round the cradle the Babies blood ran
[Verse 6]
"Oh, nurse, oh, nurse, how sound you do sleep
Whilst my little baby almost bitterly got weep?"
[Verse 7]
"Oh, nurse, oh, nurse, oh, still him with the keys"
"He will not still, my lady, let me do what 'ere I please"
[Verse 8]
"Oh, nurse, oh, nurse, oh, still him with the ring"
"He will not still, my lady, let me do most anything"
[Verse 9]
Cruel Lincoln rocked the cradle and the false nurse she sung
While out of the cradle the baby's blood run
[Verse 10]
"Oh, lady, dear lady, come and take him in your lap
For I cannot quiet him with milk nor with pap"
[Verse 11]
"How can I come down so late in the night
Without coal or candle for to grant me any light"
[Verse 12]
"There's two smocks in your coffer as white as any swan
Put one of these about you, it will show a light down"
[Verse 13]
The lady came down, not thinking any harm
Cruel Lincoln stood a waiting for to catch her in his arms
[Verse 14]
"O Lincoln, Cruel Lincoln spare my life for one hour
You shall have my daughter Betsy, she's my own blooming flower"
[Verse 15]
"Go and fetch your daughter Betsy, she will do very well
To hold up the silver basin for to catch your hearts blood"
[Verse 16]
There was blood in the kitchen, there was blood in the hall
There was blood in the parlour where the lady did fall
[Verse 17]
As soon as the lord had heard what was done
Tears from his eyes in torrents they ran
[Verse 18]
Saying "the nurse shall be hung on the scaffold so high
Cruel Lincoln shall be burned in the furnace close by"
"Cruel Lincoln shall be burned in the furnace close by"