Nobody lyrics
by Jerry Reed
When skies seem full of clouds and rain
And I'm all filled with naught but pain
Then who soothes my thumpin' and my bumpin' brain
And when winter comes with the snow and the sleet
And here I am all hungry and I got cold feet
Who says why come on in here buddy boy plant yourself we fixin' to eat
Now I ain't never done nothin' I ain't done nothin' to nobody far as I know
And I know I ain't never got nothin' from nobody at no time
So uh till I get somethin' from somebody at some time
Then uh I ain't gonna do nothin' to nobody at no time
Now when summer comes all cool and clear
And my friends well they sorta see me edging near
Who says why come on in here buddy boy into the parlor we fixin' to uncap the beer
You know I had myself a fine steak been some time ago
I took that little sauce bottle and I shook it on there vigorously
But oh who said you better look out what you're doin' son you holdin' the Tobasco
Uh huh nobody
Now look I ain't ever done nothin' to nobody at no time
And I ain't never got nothin' from nobody at no time
So till I get somebody to lay somethin' on me at some time
Then I ain't gonna do nothin' for nobody at no time
Now when I go out to work on my favorite car
When I raise up that little hood and I crawl way up under there
Who says don't crank it up yet Jerry's got a hold of the spark plug wire
Mhm nobody
Now when I've had a few beers and I'm feelin' about as mean as I can be
And I tell this ol' boy yeah you can have some trouble if you're lookin' for some from me
Then who says Jerry you talkin' to Muhammad Ali
No nobody
Oh I ain't never got nothin' from nobody
And I know I ain't never done nothin' for nobody no time
Uh so I got to tell you children I get some kinda somethin' from somebody at sometime
Then I ain't gonna do nothin' I mean I ain't doin' nothin' for nobody at no time
Because I believe in the old sayin' that the suits say I say
That he who expected nothin' ain't gonna be deceived