Knife unsheathed asking me why did I cheat
I tell her she should know, lets follow the rainbow
That is our life together every night the fights get better
So keep it together cuz it wasn't once I did it twice
I would've went a third time shxt that would've been today
Don't act surprised I've been miserable for the past 122 days
Smoking 4 blunts everyday, and that couldn't resolve my misery
Yes misery girl you're the worst I should've kicked you to the curb
When I had the chance, I still have the chance
Psycho b*tch put down that knife lets end this nice
Before you lose this fight, that's been brewing since that faithful night
I realized I don't need you next to me to sleep right
You complained said I was distant
I complained and asked why can't you listen?
To what I'm saying over complicating simple situations
What the f*cks wrong with you?
You just had to give me trust, give me love
Give me lust, and swallow every other nut
Not even every time
You don't have to wait on line for some kicks
Or buy me fly sh*t just be my down chick
And kiss me softly don't complain as much
And relax instead of argue let my hands massage you
And please you to my potential
But you didn't you just complained
Asked how many girls I was dating
How many girls call me babe
How much you'd have to pay me to be with you?
This ain't a service this was love
Now you want it back? sorry I can't I avoid
Mistakes, errors and catastrophic women
That bring me problems, troubling my soul
I swear you must be the reason why priests vow to be alone
You're lethal, I love it, I want it
You're bad for my health and I just wanna own you
Sex you up till death, and cry as you lay in my arms
Wishing I could revive you with my lips
But that's a fairy tale and we know it
So just accept me how I am and run away as fast as you can
You'll be the death of me, we don't belong
She stares me in my eyes, rage clouds her sight
That knife that she put down, is now held high
I just ignore it and walk away slowly
Then she slices my back tryna make me
Look like tony, but I'm a fighter I turn around
And slam her head against the wall
She stabs me in my gut I kick her in the chest
Watching her gasp for air I contemplate murder
But I love her, I could never, I could never
I offer her some help, she's crying she needs help
Punched in her face, blood dripping down
But this woman's not the victim
Not this time this one's more vicious
I've yet to see her fangs, here's my mistake I help her up
And try to hug her, she swings her arm
Tryna stab me in the back of my head
One swift motion, I don't feel the strike
I drop to my knees, and start to cry
Gasping for air, my body's covered in blood
But I'm alive, I'm alive, raise my head and see her eyes
Her breasts showing, stained bra, tears falling
So are mine, she's commit suicide
To her this love was do or die
I look back and question who am I?
What have I done? the thing I've claimed cherish so much
I've morphed and destroyed, watched it crumble in my palm
I should swallow napalm, I've destroyed my fountain
My Feminine Fountain of Youth life is meaningless without you
I love you girl, I swear I do
You're beautiful, you're not a hoe
You'll one day be a mother, raise a fam
You're my fountain of youth
I wouldn't exist without you, none of us would
Forgive any man that pains you, for they know not what they do
Feminine Fountain Of Youth I wouldn't exist without you