Twisted and bitter, broken and sold
My memories are lost, my weary eyes move slow
Shades of figures l will never know
L won’t look back, those years are gone
All of these voices are getting to me
Closing in on the inside of this reality
Wearing me thin l spoke too soon
Know l’m coming to terms with my choices and mistakes
Despite what you think, despite what you think
L am not the same
Bear it I’ll grit my teeth and swear it
Claim no verse or quote
My silence is my anger
My silence l hold
Until my bitter end
It’s my shame, l’m gonna live with it
For better or worse, l am nothing
L feel it closing in
Making no sense of it against your very existence
A memory I’ll erase, a memory I’ll erase
This is my true verse, this is what l actually think
It’s been to long coming that l’ve said nothing
Been to long waiting to see a difference
Left her, left me, left us all
Piece of sh*t you’re no father at all
Feel, how does actually to feel to feel something?
Feel, how does actually to feel to feel something?
Now l know l am bitter and badder than l have ever been
Causing writing these words is the truth l am living
Believe it or not, sh*t, l was the one, l was the one who never dealt with it
Only thing l have of him is his name
We are not the same
Only thing l have of him is his name
We are not the same
L feel it closing in
Making no sense of it against very existence
A memory I’ll erase, a memory I’ll erase
Only thing l have of him is his name
We are not the same, we are not the same