Jesus Before Pilate and the Crucifixion lyrics
by Neal Morse
[The soldiers and priests bring Jesus to Pontius Pilate, the Roman ruler in Jerusalem]
What is this man accused of? What law did he break?
What has he done to fill you with such murdering hate?
He stirs up the people
Incites them to sin
He says they shouldn't pay the tax
To Caesar our friend
I have to know why I demand it
Oh, Jesus must die
If you have proof I must have it
Oh, hear our angry cry
I have to know why I demand it
Oh, Jesus must die
If you have proof I must have it
We're sons of Abraham
We cannot kill this man
Our law says we can't crucify
So you must send Jesus to die!
[Pilate to Jesus:]
Tell me what did you do?
Don't you know that I have authority?
Are you rеally the Christ, the King of the Jеws?
My kingdom's not of this world
I was born to do one thing only
To be a light to the world and to witness the truth
What is truth?
You have a custom that at the Passover one man
Should be released to you
Do you want the King of the Jews?
Crucify Him! Crucify Him!
We want Barabbas the murderer
We deny Him! Crucify Him!
We have no King but Caesar
I wash my hands of this whole affair
His blood is on your heads
Take Him away
[Jesus is taken to be crucified]
Father why have You forsaken me?
Everyone's gone but my mother and John and these few
I know this is how it had to be
It's finished now and I'm giving my life up to You
[Jesus dies on the cross]