What is Love? lyrics
by The Amazing World of Gumball
Gumball: Listen Bobert, to the words we sing
We are love, and love is everything
Bobert: Warning. Circular reference detected
[Verse 1]
Carmen: I love my boyfriend
Tobias: I love my toys
Billy: I love my mother
Banana Joe: And I love making noise [makes fart sound]
[Verse 2]
Rocky: I love my television
Nigel Brown: Darling, I love you
Lucy Simian: Love is as old as time
Anton: And love is always new
Gumball and Penny: Do we love each other?
I guеss we sorta do
Love is evеrywhere and love is in you!
Love is in the stars and love is in the trees
Listen, Bobert, are you starting to believe?
[Verse 3]
Carrie: Love is invisible
Rob: Love has no name
Bobert: Love is scoring zero in a tennis game
[Verse 4]
Gumball: Love is all around us
Love fills your heart
Bobert: Stacked-up error. Please press "restart."
What is love? Does it fall from above?
Listen, Bobert you need to learn about, to learn about, to learn about love!