Make sure you open in Chrome (browser)!
Go to
You are going to sign up for an account (top right corner):
Please make your user name your first name and last initial: example – MattV
Go to Mr. Varnell’s page:
Click on your class’ period:
And you should see a list of everyone in the class
Highlight your name and annotate yourself:
Start by writing “I am your name”; then you will hyperlink to your username homepage.
At the very top of the page, right hand corner, right click on your username and open in new tab:
It will take you to your page, where you will highlight & copy your URL:
Now go back to your annotation box and copy this exact format (except using your name) by pasting in your user URL as shown. It will follow this format:
Now click save and it should look like this:
Now click edit and write 2 or 3 sentences about yourself, and then add a picture of YOURSELF.
To add a pic, you just cut/paste the link into the annotate box or upload from your computer/phone.
Complete looks like: