Life is like a fight
Between good and evil
Darkness against light
Will I choose a side?
Seems to be TV
Makes things look black and white
On coloured screens
But they look grey to me
Wish I was a super hero
I would save the world
I would be the good guy
Kill the bad guys, get the girl
Fighting for the picture of
The helpless I would help
How can I save anyone
When I can't save myself?
Not sure why I p*ssed my life
Fighting crime, wearing tights
Only be a super me
When I close my eyes
Wish I was a super hero
I would save the world
I would be the good guy
Kill the bad guys, get the girl
Fighting for the picture of
The helpless I would help
How can I save anyone
When I can't save myself?
Well, I am just a man
Skin and bone and flesh and skin and bones
Do what I can
If I find the strength within
But it's a cold world we live in
Wish I was a super hero
I would save the world
Wish I was a super hero
I would save the world
I would be the good guy
Kill the bad guys, get the girl
Fighting for the picture of
The helpless I would help
How can I save anyone
When I can't save myself?