(verse 1)
A bit scared about the burden im about to bear
I got to find the demon slay him in his own lair
Began the journey from the far castle
Early in the morning all set for battle
9 millimeter check, A.K check
I put the rest in the car, flak vest on my chest
Jump in the seat say bye to my homies
Do some 360's on my mercedes
Then i ride for the fight till the end
My foe is a bad dragon, from hell
Now i ride for the fight till the end
My foe is a bad dragon, from hell
(verse 2)
Now i ride through the woods kicking it to sixth gear
The weather is fine, the sky crystal clear
Damn, i got police on my tail
Can't afford to get busted, can't afford bail
So i try to evade them, taking shortcuts
I think i lost them im hiding in a small hut
That was a close call i get back on my way
There's a dragon waiting for me far far away
Then i ride for the fight till the end
My foe is a bad dragon, from hell
Now i ride for the fight till the end
My foe is a bad dragon, from hell
(verse 3)
Now im rolling through the beaches covered in sand dust
There's a gust blowing from the far west
On these windy days beautiful mermaids
Usually come above the sea surface
So they can feel the west wind on their faces
Suddenly, one comes in front of me, Jesus!
Beautiful skin shining on the seashore
I think its time i took a small detour
Then i ride for the fight till the end
My foe is a bad dragon, from hell
My quest is nearing its end
My foe is a bad dragon, from hell
(verse 4)
Ive finally found the dragons cave
I park my car, take out my A.K
The beast is gonna pay for his sins
I walk in, i find the big bad demon sleepin
But then the beast woke up, i got choked up
Coz i knew that i was gonna get f*cked up
I fire 30 rounds in quick succession
It all bounced off, not even an impression
Now im on the battle for my life
My fear is a bad dragon, from hell
Now im on the battle for my life
My fear is a bad dragon, from hell
(verse 5)
I dont think i can survive much longer
Leave alone my hope to slay this monster
Its spraying fire all over the floor
While im praying to god, dont wana reach heavens door
I ran out of ammo ages ago
Now im running in circles, scared to my bone
Thats when something caught my eye
Yes mr.dragon, goodbye and die!
Now im on the battle for my life
My foe is a bad dragon, from hell
Now im on the battle for my life
My foe is a bad dragon, from hell
(verse 6)
I take the great sword from the corner
The beast felt fear, he knew he's a goner
Coz it was the lost dragon blade
Made from dragon scales which can penetrate
Its hide, it all used to be a myth
Never believed in it, i admit
"you killed my brother, this is my revenge"
And i shove the blade up the demon's rear end
Now i ride back to my homies
My foe was a bad dragon from hell
Then i ride back to my homeland
My foe was a bad dragon from hell