Gaelic Medley (Mo shuil ad’ dheidh, Buain a’ rainich, He mo leannan, Fail ’il o) lyrics
by The Rankin Family
Ochoin a chailin 's mo shùil ad dhèidh Alas, my girl, my eye is after you
A chailin, mo chailin 's mo shùil ad dhèidh Girl, my girl, my eye is after you
A Lili, mo Lili 's mo shùil ad dhèidh Lily, my Lily, my eye is after you
Cha lèir dhomh am bealach le sileadh nan deur I can't see the mountain pass for the flowing of tears
Gun d' èirich mi mochthrath madainn an-dè I got up very early yesterday morning
'S gun gheàrr mi 'n ear-thalmhainn do bhrìgh mo sgèil And I plucked the yarrow because of my plight
An dùil gum faicinn-sa rùn mo chlèibh In the hope of seeing my beloved
Ochoin gum facas 's a cùlaibh rium fèin Alas, I did see her, but with her back to me
Buain Na Rainich
Tha mi sgith 's mi leam fhìn Tired and lonely am I
'Buain na rainich, 'buain na rainich Pulling bracken, pulling bracken
Tha mi sgith 's mi leam fhìn Tired and lonely am I
'Buain na rainich daonnan Ever pulling bracken
Cùl an tomain, bràigh an tomain Behind the hillock, beside the hillock
Cùl an tomain bhoidhich Behind the lovely hillock
Cùl an tomain, bràigh an tomain Behind the hillock, beside the hillock
'H-uile la n'am onar Every day all alone
He Mo Leannan
Sèist: Chorus (after each verse):
He mo leannan, hó mo leannan He my love, ho my love
'S e mo leannan a' fear ùr My love is the new fellow
He mo leannan, hó mo leannan He my love, ho my love
'S e mo leannan a' fear bàn My love is the fair-haired lad
A dheidh'adh an àird a bhàrr an t-siùil Who'd go right to the top of the ship's mast
'S e mo leannan a' fear laghach My love is the pleasant lad
'S tu mo roghainn, thaghainn thu You're my choice, I would select you
'S galair na's miosa na'n déideadh A plague worse than the toothache
Air an tè thug bhuam mo rùn On the girl sho took my love from me
Nar meal i 'n gùn ùr 's a'chiste Let her be without a new gown in her clothes chest
Na na shuidheas air a glùin And without what would sit on her knee
Nar meal i 'n curraic na'n cleòca Let her be without cap and cloak
Nar meal i 'n t-oigear na 's mù And especially let the young man be denied to her
'S tric a chaidh mi leat dha 'n tobar Often I went with you to the well
Cha tugadh sinn dhachaidh drùdh We wouldn't bring home a drop of water
'S tric a chaidh mi leat dha 'n bhàthaich Often I went with you to the cow-byre
Sneachda na b' àirde na glùin With snow up higher than the knee
'S tric a chaidh mi leat dha 'n t-sabhal Often I went with you to the hay-barn
Fodar fodhainn 's bhos ar cinn Ther would be hay above and below us
'S leabaidh bheag an cùl a' chidsin And the little bed at the back of the kitchen
Far 'm bu tric bha mise 's tu You and I would often be there together
'S nuair a bhiodh càch na laighe When the others had gone to sleep
Dh'fhosg'linn dhut an uinneag chùil I would open the back window for you