Be Hard On Yourself lyrics
by Marillion
[i The Tear In The Big Picture]
Big ball of rocks and water
Spinning round in space
Blue green and made of magic
Miracles on miracles on miracles with miracles inside
Why would you kill it?
Be hard on yourself
You’ve been spoilt for years
Be hard on yourself
You’ll be glad you did
You’ll be glad you did
Something to pull the sheep across the field
Bag of grass and straw
How can it keep growing?
Be hard on yourself
You’ve been spoilt for years
Be hard on yourself
You’ll be glad you did
You’ll be glad you did
Run towards the things that scare ya
I dare ya
There’s a tear in the big picture
Can’t burn it
Got to fix it
Heard you say life’s what you settle for
Nobody told you
Less can be more
Strap in
Get ready
Foot down
Push the button
Blow it all up
And be hard on yourself
Strap in
Get ready
Foot down
Push the button
Blow it all up
And be hard on yourself
[ii Lust for Luxury]
Don’t talk to me of need
Don’t talk to me of want
Don’t talk to me of dreams
The world has seen enough impatient bags of blood
Don’t talk to me of speed
Acceleration never did you any good
The monkey wants a new toy
And that’s all that it knows
Something to pull the sheep across the field
The only way forward is to fall over
Or you can learn to be hard on yourself
The monkey wants a new toy
And that’s all that it knows
The monkey wants a new toy
And that’s all that it knows
Cause of death: Lust for luxury
Cause of death: Lust for luxury
Cause of death: Consumption
[iii You Can Learn]
The only way forward is to fall over
Or you can learn to be
Or you can learn to be
Hard on yourself
You can do better
You can do better
But do it now
We haven't got long
We haven't got long
To the end of the song
Be hard on yourself
Strap in
Get ready
Foot down
Push the button
Blow it all up
Blow it all up
Paint a picture, sing a song, plant some flowers in the park
Get out and make it better
You’ve got an hour before it's dark…