Manuel The Bandito lyrics
by Kevin Bloody Wilson
You ask me if I know Manuel the bandito
I know Manuel well and you know
Manuel is the meanest and toughest and cruelest
Bandito in all Meh-ico
Many men die from the arms of Manuel
His eyes they can cut like the knife
You ask me if I know Manuel the bandito
Manuel is a good friend of mine
Why only just yesterday, riding my burro
Through the hills just off to the east
Manuel he appeared like it seemed out of nowhere
Pointing two big pistolas at me
He say: "Get off the donkey and empty your pockets
Better you do like I said
Or I pull on the trigger of my two big pistolas
Blow f*cking great hole in your head"
So I empty my pockets, he say: "Not enough
I thin' Manuel just have some fun
You, get around the back and you lift up the tail
And you kiss on the donkey's bum"
So I do and I kiss and the donkey she sh*t
In a filthy big heap on the ground
He wave the pistolas he laugh and say: "Eat!"
So I start eating donkey sh*t down
You ask me if I know Manuel the bandito
I know Manuel well and you know
Manuel is the meanest and toughest and cruelest
Son-of-b*tch in all Meh-ico
So many men die from the arms of Manuel
His eyes they can cut like the knife
You ask me if I know Manuel the bandito
Manuel is a good friend of mine
But it's not just me frightened, my donkey is also
This I can tell for a fact
I thin' he remember one time once before
When I lift up his tail just like that
So he started kick me and he kick Manuel
And Manuel dropped the pistolas down
So I picked 'em up and I point 'em at him
I say: "Hey, Manuel is your turn now!"
You get around the back and you lift up his tail
And come on Manuel you kiss his arse
And you eat some sh*t -- see I leave some for you
Hey, Manuel, you thin' you so smart
Still you ask me if I know Manuel very well
Well, amigo, what more can I say?
Would you believe that me and Manuel
We had lunch together just yesterday!
Yet you ask me if I know Manuel the bandito
I know Manuel well now you know
Manuel is the meanest and toughest and cruelest
Motherf*cker in all Meh-ico
So many men die from the arms of Manuel
His eyes they can cut like the knife
Still you ask me if I know Manuel the bandito
Manuel is a good friend of mine
But you keep asking if I know Manuel the bandito
We had lunch together just yesterday