The Director Never Yelled ‘Cut’ lyrics
by Sparks
The director never yelled 'cut'
The director never yelled 'cut'
Some directors like a lot of cutting, cutting
But it seems that this director has a different thing in mind
She could not articulate exactly what she wanted
What she wanted was a feeling that I tried so hard to find
The director never yelled 'cut'
The director never yelled 'cut'
Faith in her artistic vision lead me to continue
To express the sort of passion that I'd never shown before
I expected "yes, we've got it," but there was no "yes, we've got it"
All that I could sense is that she wants a little more
The director never yelled 'cut'
The director never yelled 'cut'
Got to stay in character, for how long I can't tell you
And I feel we're getting closer though no indication yet
Then she says, "we've got it", and I say, "you sure we've got it?"
And she says, "that is a wrap, that was your best performance yet"
The director finally yelled 'cut'