1. Loyal love! God is love
This truth cheers us from above
Love caused God to send his Son
Who for us the ransom won
That we might gain righteousness
Life eternal, happiness
Hey there, all you thirsty ones
Come and drink life's water free
Yes, come drink, you thirsty ones;
God's loving-kindness see
2. Loyal love! God is love
All his works give proof thereof
Love for us he's further shown
Giving Christ the kingly throne
To fulfill his cov'nant sworn
See! His Kingdom has been born
Hey there, all you thirsty ones
Come and drink life's water free
Yes, come drink, you thirsty ones;
God's loving-kindness see
3. Loyal love! God is love
May his love move us to love
Loyally we'll help the meek
As God's righteous way they seek
May we preach with godly fear
Comfort spread for all to hear
Hey there, all you thirsty ones
Come and drink life's water free
Yes, come drink, you thirsty ones;
God's loving-kindness see