“Make Sure of the More Important Things” lyrics
by Watchtower Bible And Tract Society
How great our need today for discernment
To know the things that are true
To know which things have greater importance
To know which things we must do!
Love what is good; Hate what is bad
Make God's heart glad
Find all the joy that it brings. Always pray
Study each day
Yes, may we do these important things
And what could be of greater importance
Than sharing Kingdom good news
To find our Father's lost little sheep
And to help them his way to choose?
They need to hear; They need to know
Oh, may we show
Love for our neighbors and help them to see
Help them get free!
Preaching is such an important thing
If we take care to do what's important
Our faith will make us secure
We'll know the peace beyond human thinking
And keep our hope ever sure
True friends we'll find; True love we'll know
This love will grow
Oh, what rich blessings it brings when we learn
When we discern
And when we do the important things!