Remove your shoes, laptops in a tray
Trade a little freedom for a little safety
Everyone gets a condition, the drugs make it all right
They eat away the problem, then corrode your life
It takes a special rodent, to spread a special plague
And turn a special man into a worthless slave
Round up all the liars, put them in parliament
The people are not crying, just allergic to the bullsh*t
I know how you like it
You want to be manipulated
I know how you like it
You want to be manipulated
Enjoy oblivion
Thanks for your cooperation
Maintain the illusion
Thanks for your cooperation
Erode away the past we become puerile
As thin as memory and manipulatable
So many things to ask, But you’ll lie anyway
The currency of fear makes us all behave
I trust you like I trust my government
The illusion of freedom gets expensive to rent
Control the flock using entertainment
It’s so easy when they’re under educated
I know how you like it
You want to be manipulated
I know how you like it
You just want the Entertainment
Enjoy oblivion
Thanks for your co operation
Maintain the illusion
Thanks for your co operation
Wolf in red, bear with knife
Monkey went to heaven, from snake bite
With revenge in their bellies, rifle in their hands
A star spangled banner worn as a head band
They make war to free us from whatever
Cities burn in their wake, soldiers become beggars
Meanwhile back home, education’s in ruin
The war against whatever is starving the children
I got to watch a kill, or I will cancel my cable
Genocide served with turkey and a door busting sale
Enjoy oblivion
Thanks for your co operation
Maintain the illusion
Thanks for your co operation