Come Home With Me (Non-Album Track) lyrics
by Anaïs Mitchell
[ORPHEUS, spoken]
Come home with me!
[EURYDICE, spoken]
Who are you?
[ORPHEUS, spoken]
The man who’s gonna marry you. I’m Orpheus
Come home with me!
[EURYDICE, spoken]
Who am I?
[ORPHEUS, spoken]
Eurydice —
— the girl who makes me wanna sing
The woman who I’m marrying
[EURYDICE, spoken]
A singer! Is that what you are?
[ORPHEUS, spoken]
Well, I also play the lyre
[EURYDICE, spoken]
Oh, a liar! And a player too?
I’ve met too many men like you
[ORPHEUS, spoken]
I’m not like any man you’ve met
[EURYDICE, spoken]
Oh yeah? What makes you different?
[ORPHEUS, spoken]
You see the world?
[EURYDICE, spoken]
Of course I do
[ORPHEUS, spoken]
I’ll make it beautiful for you. For you I’ll change the way it is
[EURYDICE, spoken]
With what?
[ORPHEUS, spoken]
(holds up guitar)
With this!
[EURYDICE, spoken]
I’m sure you play it well, but only the gods can change the world. Me and you can’t change a thing
[ORPHEUS, spoken]
You haven’t heard me sing
[EURYDICE, spoken]
Are you always this confident?
[ORPHEUS, spoken]
When I look at you I am
[EURYDICE, spoken]
When you look at me, what do you see?
[ORPHEUS, spoken]
Someone stronger than me, somebody who survives
[EURYDICE, spoken]
So why should I become your wife?
[ORPHEUS, spoken]
Because I make you feel alive
[EURYDICE, spoken]
That’s worth a lot...
What else you got?