In this world lyrics
by Benjamin Zephaniah
We live in a world where 1 in 4 people live in a state of absolute poverty
350 000 children die each day because they are born to poor parents
Each year 24.000 people are killed and maimed by landmines
And when you hear the information which telling you that the world is (?) than getting smaller remember many people in the world have never made a phonеcall
We live in a world wherе they say we communicate more but the world stayed silent when slave trade was making money
The world stayed silent when the nazis started to kill trade unionists, people with disabilities, homosexuals, left-handed people and Jews
And now in the age of the global village and mass communications the world is staying silent when Palestinians are being annihilated
Countries are isolated and starve the funds if they do not allow North American burgers to be sold on their high streets or if they do not allow the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund to dominate to control their poor farmers
We live in a world where over a million children each year die as a result of diarrhea
In this world million women spend several hours each day collecting water
There are 774 million illiterate adults in the world, 2/3 of them are women
60 milion girls in our world are forced into marriage before the age of 18 and each year in this world 358 000 women die from pregnancy or at childbirth
And in this world more than 100 000 000 women are simply missing
Remember these women are not even counted
We live in a world where money is power and power is money
We live in a world where money is power and power is money
We live in a world where the rich get richer and the rich who have everything still want more
You don't have to be a conspiracy theorist to see that it is a corrupt world
You don't have to be a rocket scientist to understand that women have not yet gained liberation because there are a few women in the boardroom of manmade empires
This world is designed to serve the interest of an evil man
But we shall overcome
We shall overcome the greed and shortsightedness
We shall overcome the selfishness
Because we care and we don't fear
We care
We care but we don't fear