New Breed lyrics
by Chris LeDoux
Who ever thought that cowboys would change
Their clean cut denium style?
Short cropped hair and western shirts
This new breed has plume gone wild
They no longer show their ears
They've got 'em covered up with hair
A mustashe or goatee on their face
These young 'uns just don't care
This new breed what you gonna do to make 'em understand
This new breed look of theirs' don't make 'em look
Nothing like a man
Don't tell me the old cowboy look is gonna die out for good
I wish I knew what we could do
To get 'em looking back like they should
Instead of western shirts and jeans
They wear shirts with puffy sleeves
Unbutton to their navel with ruffles to flap in the breeze
Their pants are still tight fittin' but they flare out at the boot
And by God they look plum rediculous as they climb into the chute
This new breed what you gonna do to make 'em understand
This new breed look of theirs' don't make 'em look
Nothing like a man
Don't tell me the old cowboy look is gonna die out for good
I wish I knew what we could do
To get 'em looking back like they should