When I see your face or hear a name
Or I'm introduced to someone new
It doesn't matter they're all the same
And none of them is you
When I go to work or take a walk
And watch what other people do
I'll listen to their idle talk
And none of them is you
Where are you my dear?
Why I can't hear you?
How I wish that you were here
How I long to be near you
Sometimes at night I'll pass the time
Those endless sleepless towers[hours?] in bed
I'll try to reconstruct your voice
But only hear their voice instead
They talk, they yell in that other voice
They flirt and whisper too
I'd love them if I had the choice
But none of them is you
In a dream you came and held my hand
Our love was perfect in that sphere
The breeze was your whisper in that land
While the air stands still right here
No I've never met you my sweet dear
And my friends they say you don't exist
But friends are cowards full of fear
Afraid to look at what they'd missed
One day I'll be walking on the street
That crowded bustling faceless spread
I'll turn the corner and we'll meet
And I will be no longer dead [x2]