But That Night When on My Bed I Lay lyrics
by Benjamin Britten
But that night
When on my bed I lay, I was most mov'd
And felt most deeply in what world I was;
With unextinguish'd taper I kept watch
Reading at intervals; the fear gone by
Press'd on me almost like a fear to come;
I thought of those September Massacres
Divided from me by a little month
And felt and touch'd them, a substantial dread:
The rest was conjured up from tragic fictions
And mournful Calendars of true history
Remembrances and dim admonishments
"The horse is taught his manage, and the wind
Of heaven wheels round and trеads in his own steps
Year follows year, thе tide returns again
Day follows day, all things have second birth;
The earthquake is not satisfied all at once."
And in such way I wrought upon myself
Until I seem'd to hear a voice that cried
To the whole City, "Sleep no more."