Heroes of the Waterfalls’ Kingdom lyrics
by Bruce Dickinson
[Part I: Lo Spirito Della Foresta – 00:00-03:15]
[Instrumental Intro]
[King Uriel – Christopher Lee:]
"The horns of war were sounding
On icy winds the echoes of ancient fears will breathe again
Soon on the edge of the Northlands
The future of our world would be decided"
[Acoustic Guitar Solo]
[Verse 1]
Nel timido soffio del vento
Al nuovo sorriso del sol
Si scopre la valle dorata
Incanto d'anima e cor
Sentiero che ormai ti nascondi
Rivela la via che fu
Tra quercia, castano ed abete
Al nostro passo silente
[Verse 2]
Odori sfumati nel senso
Colori ormai senza età
Tra resine ed erbe inebrianti
Tra ombra e verità
Leggiadra visione di sogno
E di parallela realtà
Transcendi l'umana coscienza
Pacando il mio fiero ardore
[Chorus - Part I]
Or splende in me la tua luce
Nel suo riflesso pace ed amor
Il verde intimo manto
E della roccia il grigio pudor
Incanto e pura energia
Ricolma d'antica saggezza
Io canto la tua meraviglia
Divina e mistica essenza
Incanto e vera magia
Tra neve, rugiada e tempesta
Nel sogno, mito e leggenda
Lo spirito della foresta
[Verse 3]
Ti amo o madre natura
O vita che data mi fu
Or splendi scintilla infinita
Tra il verde, il grigio ed il blu
Vi amo creature dei boschi
Pulsanti di vita e ancor più
Custodi d'astrali pensieri
Che a noi si celano arcani
[Chorus - Part I]
Or splende in me la tua luce
Nel suo riflesso pace ed amor
Il verde intimo manto
E della roccia il grigio pudor
Incanto e pura energia
Ricolma d'antica saggezza
Io canto la tua meraviglia
Divina e mistica essenza
Incanto e vera magia
Tra neve, rugiada e tempesta
Nel sogno, mito e leggenda
Lo spirito della foresta
[Part II: Realm Of Sacred Waterfalls – 03:15-07:56]
[Instrumental Break]
[Verse 4]
Warriors and dragons from the middle lands
Knights from the Western far rocky plains
Elves from the wide majestic green lakes
Bravehearts from the South and the icy North
The astral alignment will show all its might
Be ready to get the stars' holy sign
They'll show us all one true face of the sin
The century's last, last great eclipse
March from the corners of the Earth
(March for the Earth, all march)
For the fate of your world
In this day of doom and blazing rage (Blazing rage)
Of clashing titans, anger, hate (Anger, hate)
May the hells collapse again
Acqua ch'or scendi
Or ruvida or stanca
Nel quieto singhiozzo
Tu scavi la roccia
Or lava la mano
Di quel mezzo uomo
Che 'si trasparente
Ti ruba al suo pianto
[Refrain 1]
Laudum venor alatus sanctum
Tres callis te res laudantur
Sanctum est, laudamus sanctus
Tres callis te res laudantur
Sanctum est, laudamus sanctus
Tres callis te res laudantur
[Chorus - Part II]
In between amazing lakes
And breathtaking waterfalls
Valiant heroes raised their sword
Rode and faced the black storm
In the fury of the wind
At the hardest clash of steel
Valiant heroes raised their sword
For the sake of the world
Of the world
[Bridge 1]
[Verse 5]
(ERIAS) Mighty earthquake, invincible thunder
(THARIN) Now unleash your utmost power
(ARDUN) Lift the wings, the wings of our angels
(MORLA) In this new and horrific war
(ERIAS) Send the north wind to freeze
(THARIN) Any fear in our hearts
(ARDUN) Finally allied for an angel who spoke
(MORLA) Against the unborn
March from the corners of the Earth
(March for the Earth, all march)
For the fate of your world
In this day of doom and blazing rage (Blazing rage)
Of clashing titans, anger, hate (Anger, hate)
May the hells collapse again
Acqua ch'or scendi
Or ruvida or stanca
Nel quieto singhiozzo
Tu scavi la roccia
Or lava la mano
Di quel mezzo uomo
Che 'si trasparente
Ti ruba al suo pianto
[Refrain 1]
Laudum venor alatus sanctum
Tres callis te res laudantur
Sanctum est, laudamus sanctus
Tres callis te res laudantur
Sanctum est, laudamus sanctus
Tres callis te res laudantur
[Chorus - Part II]
In between amazing lakes
And breathtaking waterfalls
Valiant heroes found their fate
Rode and faced the black storm
In the fury of the wind
At the hardest clash of steel
Valiant heroes raised their sword
For the sake of the world
Of the world!
[Part III: Thanor's Awakening – 07:56-11:17]
[Guitar Intro]
[King Uriel – Christopher Lee:]
"The news of victory spread like lightning across the land
This battle ended with the army of darkness in total defeat
Their unholy blood spread across the snow
And dried black in the glorious sun of the Northlands"
[Guitar Solo]
[Iras Algor – Toby Eddington:]
"The moment has come
We must hurry!"
[Etherus – Marcus D'Amico:]
"Take the eyes..."
[Dargor – Stash Kirkbride:]
Aelin fits perfectly on the left
And Mornir on the other side"
[Iras Algor – Toby Eddington:]
"The angels will speak..."
[Dargor – Stash Kirkbride:]
"These vibrations..."
[Iras Algor – Toby Eddington:]
"As I said it is the time of the angels
No... no my brothers! Look at the statue
Look at Thanor... Look!
The spirit of Thanor rose from the abyss
Where Nekron tortured his body and soul
After his betrayal in the last of the primordial wars
When the spirt reached the statue, the Earth quaked..."
[Part IV: Northern Skies Enflamed – 11:17-15:29]
[Guitar Intro]
[Dargor – Stash Kirkbride:]
"Fly! Fly mighty Thanor!
For your revenge and our freedom!"
[Verse 6]
A prophecy trapped between icy winds
The words of an angel now cleary revealed
The day of the last terrific eclipse
(Hab sum stulti qui lumis)
Spit of the abyss, dark slaves of the beast
Who creep in the shade of bleeding dark worlds
Face us if you dare, we challenge you all
(Hab sum est qui resurrecte)
[Bridge 2]
Epic clash of immortals
Demons, angels and men
Fire raining from Heaven
Chaos storming from hell
[Verse 7]
A dragon condemned to abandon his world
Could open his eyes, awake and reborn
Led by the angels he could finally rise
Enflaming the air of the Northern skies
A battle too hard to be faced by a man
A fight for who owns the magic of Earth
A sacrifice needed to stop a new hell
A mystical weapon, the forbidden spell
[Iras Algor – Toby Eddington:]
"Gods of light, angels of the highest cosmic spheres
My friend Etherus, master wizard of the White Dragon's Order
(Hab sum stulti qui lumis)
Gave his life for the beloved lands
Thanks to him Koras, the mightiest of the seven demons, was defeated"
(Hab sum est qui resurrecte)
"Thanor returned victorious after destroying the six other winged demons
In the darkness of the eclipse
Guided by the divine light of angels he killed them all
One by one, foiling Nekron's dark plans
And for what would be the last time he entered the main hall
And magically returned to the stone"
[Guitar Solo]
[Refrain 1]
Laudum venor alatus sanctum
Tres callis te res laudantur
Sanctum est, laudamus sanctus
Tres calli te res laudantur
Sanctum est, laudamus sanctus
Tres calli te res laudantur
[Chorus - Part II]
In between amazing lakes
And breathtaking waterfalls
Valiant heroes found their fate
Rode and faced the black storm
In the fury of the wind
At the hardest clash of steel
Valiant heroes raised their sword
For the sake of the world
In between amazing lakes
And breathtaking waterfalls
Valiant heroes found their fate
Rode and faced the black storm
In the fury of the wind
At the hardest clash of steel
Valiant heroes raised their sword
For the sake of the world
For the sake of the world
For the sake of the world
For the sake of the world
For the sake of the world
(Save other worlds) For the sake of the world
(Save other worlds) For the sake of the world
Of the world!
Leader of us!
[Part V: The Splendour Of Angels' Glory]
(A Final Revelation – 15:29-19:38)
[Refrain 2]
Adoro contemplor
Contemplor hac in hora
Adoro contemplor
Contemplor hac in hora
[Iras Algor – Toby Eddington:]
"Thanor opened his eyes once again:
Aelin and Mornir were brighter than ever
He stared at Dargor
Still not finished"
[Dargor – Stash Kirkbride:]
"No... no...
Why me? Why?!"
[Iras Algor – Toby Eddington:]
"It is the decision of the gods and the angels"
[Dargor – Stash Kirkbride:]
"But I am half demon!
There is evil blood pounding in my heart" (Dargor sitiens)
"You know it!" (Vitam)
[Iras Algor – Toby Eddington:]
"That is the reason why" (Venit nova lucem)
"You have met darkness and light, and you chose" (Saecla propagent)
"You are the most powerful of us all
The elected, the chosen one"
[Refrain 3]
Ad Dargor veritas
Laudamus altus sibi alma
Dargor vero
Veritas manit templum sibi alma
Ut veni
Veritas laudamus altus sibi corpus Dargor
Veritas laudamus veritas sibi alma...
[Dargor – Stash Kirkbride:]
(...Dargor venit
Apud veritas)
"So... so be it
I accept my fate"
(Dargor contemplor te)
[King Uriel – Christopher Lee:]
"Dargor's destiny was finally clear
His death was only physical" (Ut nostra verita)
"But from the rest of the Shadowlord's body" (Dargor venit)
"A new form of life was born" (Ut sanctum!)
"Erian's angelic spirit now embraced Dargor's immortal soul
Combining the supreme energies of the cosmos
To become pure divinity
A god of cosmic light
Did breathe on the Earth, again"
[Instrumental Outro]