Thine Eyes Of Mercy lyrics
by Screeching Weasel
[Baby Fat]
Oh when you turn
Thine eyes of mercy towards me
Nothing gets in my way anymore
Honest, I'm almost happy again
I almost forget
When you turn
Thine eyes of mercy towards me
Some thing breaks loose in my heart and I can't
Act like I couldn't care any less anymore
Oh more than an apparition
Oh more than my tunnel vision
Oh more than I
Much more than I knew
Oh when you turn
Thine eyes of mercy towards me
Tears streaming down your face once again
Marking all of the suffering that
We've shared in
When you turn
Thine eyes of mercy towards me
It cuts down to the bone and I know
I've gone so wrong
And I don't want to anymore now
Oh more than an apparition
And all of my bad decisions
Oh more than I
Much more than I knew
I turn back to you
I'm turning back to you
Yeah, I'll always turn back to you