The Party’s Over Now lyrics
by Noël Coward
Night is over, dawn is breaking
Everywhere the town is waking
Just as we are on our way to sleep
Lovers meet and dance a little
Snatching from romance a little
Souvenir of happiness to keep
The music of an hour ago
Was just a sort of "Let's pretend."
The melodies that charmed us so
At last are ended
The party's over now
The dawn is drawing very nigh
The candles gutter
The starlight leaves the sky;
It's time for little boys and girls
To hurry home to bed
For there's a new day
Waiting just ahead
Life is sweet
But time is fleet
Beneath the magic of the moon
Dancing time
May seem sublime
But it ended all too soon
The thrill has gone
To linger on
Might spoil it anyhow;
Let's creep away
From the day
For the party's over now