What’s Gone Wrong (LIVE) lyrics
by Guttermouth
It's a 3 day weekend
I'm loading up my truck
Got tons of beer
Might shoot a deer
Blow the sh*t out of a duck
Stever's got a cross bow
Jamie a shotgun
Anything that f*cking moves
Ready aim fire blam!
Oh my god i can't believe
The antlers on that buck
It would take 40 men
To load him in the truck
Got that sucker right between the eyes
Let's get a cold one don
Love seats made from hides
Stock your smoke house full of meat
Pink & blue & yellow key chains
Made from rabbits feet
Trade your j*rky to the indians
Enjoy a goon skin hat
Whip up some homemade crisco
With the extra fat
I'm wishin
A flock of geese would fly on by
I'm hopin
I can bag not 4 but 5 reloldin
Jesus f*cking christ
That's the biggest moose i have ever seen
Get my gun god damn it get him
If i can't shoot them
I'll start a forest fire
Watch em run
Right at my gun
No need for oscar meyer
That's a fine looking piece of meat young man
I'm ready for that one their
Yeah that ones for me
Trophie on your wall
Slap some new boots on your feet
Th e wallet in my pocket
Kinda smells like meat
A half a dozen ouail
A hearty rack of lamb
There must be 50 beavers
In that f*cking dam