Dawn of Time lyrics
by Rick Wakeman
First there was no sun
Moon or stars or sky
There was only space
In which for mass to lie
Nature held the force in a still form
Guidance from a God
Freedom for the seeds
So the force broke free
Scattering its needs
Then the heavens broke from Earth with
Thunder roaring free
Making fire and storm
Raging seas were calmed
Rivers taking form
Earth and heavens met
Titan's Gods appeared
Saturn ruled the world
Filling Earth with fear
Neptune reigned the sea
Pluto chose the dead
Jupiter ruled over all the living creatures
Gods and beasts and men
Bacchus, God of wine
Cupid for his love
Apollo of the sun
Diana's room above
Minerva's wisdom came
Spreading hope around
Mercury for sport
Orpheus with sound
One by one they came for creation