The Ballad of Cain and Abel lyrics
by Don Francisco
Eve had two children by Adam her husband
They grew into men as the years went on by
And Cain was a farmer but Abel a shepherd
When the time for their offering to God had drawn nigh
Now Abel he heeded the voice of the Spirit
And his offering in faith was the life of a lamb
But Cain offered grain and his gift was rejected
For it came from the will and the pride of a man
"Cain", said the Lord, "Now why are you angry
When no one has hurt you or done you a wrong
If you change and do right, you'll still be accepted
But sin wants to snare you and you must be strong
Sin wants to have you and you must be strong"
But spurning the chance to repent and find favor
Preferring his pride and refusing to yield
Cain gave his heart up to rage and to envy
'Til he murdered his brother one day in the field
"Cain", said the Lord, "Now where is your brother
Did you think you could murder and never be found
You're cursed by the earth for this crime you've committed
For the voice of his blood is crying out from the ground"
So, Cain wandered far from his home and his people
Eastward from Eden to the country of Nod
Spent all his years as an exile and stranger
Away from the presence and the blessing of God
So, learn now a lesson from Cain and his folly
Through pride hate and jealousy only comes wrong
Envy and anger will end in disaster
They're waiting to snare you, so watch and be strong
Sin wants to have you, so watch and be strong