Sir Rupert Said... lyrics
by Klaatu
*Dial tone*
Chris Bond: (Aside) Yeah, I hear it. Sounds great. I feel like I'm on outer limit.
Secretary: Rupert Perry's office.
Chris: It's Chris Bond.
Secretary: Hi, Chris.
Chris: We're all set up for Rupert's overdub.
Secretary: Ah.
Chris: So we—so we need him on the phone. Time's a-wastin'.
Secretary: Okay, he's, um, on the phone, he's got his door closed. He's been on the phone for a long time. Can you call back?
Chris: Okay, well, let's send him a little note. We've got the studio all standing by and we're up on the monit—as a matter of fact this is being taped right now. Beep.
Secretary: *Chuckles* Okay
Chris: Okay?
Secretary: Yeah.
Chris: Three bucks a minute.
Secretary: Okay.
Chris: Thanks a lot.
Secretary: Bye-bye.
Chris: Bye-Bye.
Chris: Hello?
Secretary: Chris?
Chris: Yes?
Secretary: Hang on.
Chris: Certainly.
Rupert Perry: *Clears throat*
Chris: Have you been drinking your hot tea with lemon?
Rupert: Absolutely.
Chris: Oh, very good. What we want to do is try a couple of dry runs here. First I'd like to hear you say, "Peddle yourself!"
Rupert: "Peddle yourself"?
Chris: Yes. That sort of thing.
Rupert: Okay.
Chris: How's it sound in the control room, guys?... Sounds like a telephone, okay.
Rupert: Okay, are we peddling enough?
Chris: Yes, what we've got to do now is I'm gonna get the tape rolling, I'm out in the hall with a headphone, and I'm gonna try and cue you so we can do it live on the tape.
Rupert: Okay.
Chris: Okay, if this doesn't work a couple of times, what we'll do—you know you'll get double scale.
Rupert: Thank you.
Chris: And, uh—
Rupert: Actually I'm triple but you didn't know that.
Chris: Yes, well it's okay.
Chris: Alright let's see what we can hear here.
Rupert: What do you want me to say, "Peddle away"?
Chris: "Peddle yourself."
Rupert: "Peddle yourself."
Chris: Right, and it'll be like this, I'll give you a count. One, two, three, four, "Peddle yourself!"
Rupert: Okay.
Chris: In that rhythm.
[Chris plays tape of Sell Out, Sell Out]
Recording of John Woloschuk:
Every man has his selling price
I'm taking the highest bid
Come out of the clouds, Sir Rupert said
And do what Stevie did (One, two, three, four)
Rupert: Peddle yourself!
John: Peddle yourse—
[Chris stops the tape]
Chris: Right, now you've got to be much more natural with this Rupert.
Rupert: Thank you.
[Chris plays tape of Sell Out, Sell Out]
Recording of Woloschuk:
Every man has his selling price
I'm taking the highest bid
Come out of the clouds, Sir Rupert said
And do what Stevie did (One, two, three, and)
Rupert: Peddle yourself!
Peddle yourself!
[Chris stops the tape]
Chris: That one sounded like it's getting an awful lot of approval. Let me check it out.
[Chris replays section of audio]
—evie did
(Peddle yourself!) Peddle yourself
You've better t—
[Chris cuts the audio]
Chris: They like that one better but I'd like to do one more where you do it just a little quicker.
Rupert: Alright.
Chris: Oh the trials and tribulations talent has to go through, huh?
Rupert: I know.
[Chris plays tape of Sell Out, Sell Out]
I'm taking the highest bid
Come out of the clouds, Sir Rupert said
And do what Stevie did (And one, two, three, four)
Rupert: Peddle yourself.
[Chris stops the tape]
Chris: (Aside) How was that?...
Chris: ...They think you peaked out, Rupert.
Rupert: Yeah, alright.
Chris: *Laughs* Well you don't have a lot of stamina but boy what a voice.
Rupert: I know.
Chris: Alright.
Rupert: Okay, Chris.
Chris: Thanks a lot, Rupert.
Rupert: Bye.
Chris: Bye-bye.
Chris: Check's in the mail.