Ocean of Fear (Script) lyrics
by Adventure Time
A passage of text comes up on screen as a voice reads it. ““In the dark recesses of the mind, a disease known as FEAR feasts upon the souls of those who cannot overcome its power…” Pat McHale.”
NARRATOR: In the dark recesses of the mind, a disease known as fear feasts upon the souls of those who cannot overcome its power.
A shot of the ocean pans towards the shore and then further to a forest. A massive newt runs out of the forest wearing boots. As he makes his way to the ocean, Finn and Jake exit the forest in pursuit.
FINN: Come back, thief!
The newt breathes fire in their direction.
JAKE: Woah!
NEWT: Stop farting on me! It’s gross.
FINN: You can’t just go around stealing boots!
Cut to a shot of the newt’s boots.
JAKE: Yeah! And you know the penalty for stealing boots: It’s poots on newts.
Finn and Jake laugh and fistbump each other. They then turn to see the newt escaping into the ocean.
FINN: He’s getting away into that lake!
JAKE: Dude, that isn’t a lake. That’s an ocean.
Jake takes a deep breath and expands his body to become much larger. He farts as he leaps into the ocean to pursue the newt and woofs at the newt. Finn laughs and runs after him, barking.
FINN: Bark, bark, bark, bark! Huh?
As he approaches the ocean, Finn’s view becomes red and a sinister noise plays. A wave laps up against the shore and Finn backs up a few steps.
Finn looks at Jake, who is laughing and farting on the newt in the ocean.
JAKE: Poots on newts! Poots on newts!
Finn watches in slow motion as the newt j*rks around, attempting to shake Jake off of him. Finn gets down and starts taking off his shoes and socks.
FINN: Ha ha ha! I’m coming, Jake. I’ll poot on that newt as soon as I’m barefoot.
Before he finishes taking his shoes off, he once again sees the ocean as red and the sinister noise plays again. Finn gasps and retreats from a wave, screaming. As he lays panting, his stomach starts bubbling.
FINN: Huh? Ow! Why is my stomach going nuts? Ow!
A black flame comes out of Finn’s belly button. It expands outward into the Fear Feaster, who cackles. Finn shakes in fear.
FINN: Who are you?
FEAR FEASTER: I am the manifestation of your fear. Fear of the ocean!
FINN: What? I’m not afraid of… of lakes, wells, rivers, streams, or deep wells, or puddles. Why would I be afraid of -
He recoils and screams as another wave laps up against the shore near him. The Fear Feaster cackles again.
FEAR FEASTER: Cause you’re a wuss.
FINN: I’m no wuss! I’m the hero ‘round these parts.
FEAR FEASTER: Ha! You’re too scared of the ocean to ever be a true hero.
FINN: Not true. I’m not scared of nothin’!
Finn screams and charges towards the ocean, but whimpers and stops as he sees another wave. He takes a moment and sighs.
FINN: I shall conquer my fear.
FEAR FEASTER: Yeah, right.
FINN: No, I will. I’ll conquer my fear.
FEAR FEASTER: Of course you will.
The Fear Feaster begins receding back into Finn’s belly button.
FEAR FEASTER: And I live in a two bedroom apartment that doesn’t smell like vomit.
The Fear Feaster laughs as he disappears.
Finn sighs. Jake returns to the beach and shrinks to his normal size.
JAKE: Dude, did you see me? I was all, like, “Womp!” And then I was all, like, “Take this! Womp, womp!” And then… Hey, what’s wrong with you, dude?
FINN: Jake, I think I’m afraid of the ocean.
JAKE: Say what, now?
FINN: I need your help to overcome my fear. Will you do it?
JAKE: Um… No, I don’t really wanna do it.
FINN: Jake! Come on.
JAKE: Heh, I’m just messin’ with you. Hmm. Where to start? Uh, okay, I think we should just take a few steps in the water. You can hold Jaker’s hand if you’re scared.
Jake grabs Finn’s hand. Finn whimpers and resists as Jake tries to drag him to the water. Finn slips out of Jake’s grasp and falls into the sand.
JAKE: Um… Well, that’s okay, dude. I see the problem. It’s just your feet.
Jake gets down on his knees and removes Finn’s socks and shoes. He grabs Finn’s ankles and begins moving Finn’s feet toward the water. For each step, Jake makes a beeping noise.
JAKE: Boop. Beep. Boop. Beep.
Jake speeds up.
JAKE: Boop, beep, boop, beep, beep, boop, beep, boop.
FINN: Don’t wanna be scared. I shall not be scared.
JAKE: Boop. Boop.
They reach the edge of the water. A wave comes up past Finn’s ankles. Finn shakes in fear.
FINN: I’m afraid! Ahh!
Finn leaps up and begins kicking and punching Jake’s head as he tries to avoid touching the water.
FINN: Jake, get me out of the water! Now, Jake, now! Ahh! Oh!
Jake expands his head to a massive size, lifting Finn well above the water. He turns and brings them away from the edge of the water. He shrinks his head back to normal size, dropping Finn in the sand.
JAKE: Hot jam. You’re really scared of the ocean. In fact, you’re so scared, it gives me an idea. Let’s start a business of being scared of the ocean.
FINN: Jake!
JAKE: Okay, okay. I have a plan to get rid of your fear. We’ll start tomorrow morning.
FINN: But I must conquer this now!
Finn punches the sand and runs over to the water.
FINN: I’m not afraid of you!
A series of massive waves hit the beach. A single drop of water hits Finn in slow motion. He cringes and screams.
FINN: I’m afraid of you! I’m afraid of you! Ah!
Finn falls backwards and writhes in the sand. He crawls over to Jake, looking haggard.
FINN: Okay, yeah. Let’s try tomorrow.
Cut to a shot of what appears to be the treehouse at dawn. The camera zooms out to reveal it’s just a picture of a treehouse in what appears to be the boys’ bedroom. Jake is sitting on top of a sleeping Finn.
JAKE: Finn. Finn. Hey, Finn. Wake up.
Finn stirs.
FINN: Morning Jake.
JAKE: Ready for me to help you get over your ocean fear?
FINN: Yeah, man.
JAKE: Cool. But I can only do this if you ask me.
FINN: I’m askin’.
JAKE: Then get ready for my three-step plan. Watch your troubles melt away with step one!
Jake punches the wall. The entire structure crumbles, revealing that they are not in their treehouse, but rather a reconstruction Jake has made in the water. Only the bed remains floating.
FINN: Ah! Jake, are you crazy! This is not an okay thing to do!
JAKE: Hey, hey, come on. The ocean is your friend. And you got friends all around you right now. Miles and miles of friends.
The shot pulls back to show how far out at sea they are.
FINN: You’re nuts.
Finn struggles to get up.
JAKE: Don’t try to struggle, man.
Jake pulls back the blankets to reveal he’s tied Finn to the bed with rope.
JAKE: I’ll let you out in a second. You just need to calm down.
FINN: Really? Okay, I’m calming down.
JAKE: That’s great. You’re doing great. Ready for step two?
FINN: Yeah, man. I can do it.
JAKE: All right, dude. Step… two!
Jake pulls on the rope, untying it. It turns out the rope was not only holding Finn down, but also holding the bed together. It collapses into the ocean, leaving only Finn in his sleeping bag and Jake on top of him.
FINN: Ah! Jake, this isn’t a joke! It’s touching me!
JAKE: Let it hold you, man! Let it hold you like a child.
FINN: I’m trying to let it hold me.
Finn visibly struggles, his eyes bulging out and his face turning red. His heartbeat can be heard loudly.
JAKE: Control your breathing.
Finn breathes rapidly.
FINN: This isn’t working!
JAKE: That means we gotta move to step three. Just don’t scream.
FINN: W-what?
Jake extends his jowls and puts them on Finn.
JAKE: I’m gonna push you underwater with my jowls. Just don’t scream. Don’t scream.
Jake slowly submerges Finn, whose screams are muffled by the water.
JAKE: Don’t scream. Hold your breath, Finn!
Finn violently struggles.
JAKE: You got it, dude!
Suddenly, Finn tears open the sleeping bag, which sends Jake flying and allows him to raise his head back above the water. He leaps onto Jake and begins kicking and punching him.
FINN: Ah! Get me away, Jake! Now, Jake! Now! Right now! Get me away! Ah!
JAKE: Finn! Stop it! Finn! Ow!
Finn grabs Jake’s ears and stretches them out to massive size. They catch the wind and send the pair flying to a nearby island rubble. Finn sits atop a wall.
FINN: I’m safe. I’m safe. How’d I do?
The shot changes to show Jake wading in the water, visibly bruised and battered by Finn.
JAKE: I think we should give up.
FINN: What? I made it all the way to level three.
JAKE: Look, Finn. It’s not that I don’t want to help you. I just don’t wanna get beat up any more. I mean, this is my bread and butter. I can’t have you messin’ up my bread and butter, dude.
He gestures to his disfigured face.
FINN: You have to help me. I can’t do this without you.
JAKE: Okay, fine. But only if you swear not to hit me any more.
FINN: I swear, I won’t hit you any more.
JAKE: And also swear to only speak in rhymes. Speak in rhymes all the times.
FINN: I swear. And pigs have hair.
JAKE: Yes, perfect. And since you want more, it’s time for step four.
Jake expands to giant size.
FINN: What? I thought you said it was a three-step plan, man.
JAKE: I’m not that good at counting. Come on.
He grabs a submarine from the ruins.
JAKE: Come on. Let’s go kick your fear of the ocean where the sun don’t shine - in the sea cuc*mber.
Jake places Finn on the submarine and shrinks down to normal size.
A shot shows the submarine making its way through underwater ruins. After a few moments of the submarine descending, the shot cuts inside to show Jake piloting the sub and wearing a captain’s hat.
JAKE: Check it, dude. One hundred percent awesomitude.
Finn is sitting in the front of the submarine, hyperventilating with his eyes shut.
FINN: Yeah, it’s pretty math, you psychopath.
JAKE: You know, it looks way more math if you open up your eyes.
Finn opens his eyes.
FINN: Woah.
He gazes out at the strange plant and animal life, ancient ruins, and other structures along the ocean floor.
JAKE: See, man? The ocean is beautiful. There’s no reason to be afraid of things that are beautiful.
FINN: Hey, this isn’t that bad. I’m actually glad.
JAKE: Hey, look! A black abyss.
Jake gestures to a large black hole in the distance.
JAKE: Let’s go check it out, sauerkraut.
Jake steers the sub towards the hole. Finn begins to get scared again.
FINN: No, Jake! Turn around, turn around!
As Finn stares into the hole, he sees a vision of the Fear Feaster cackling.
FINN: Ahh!
JAKE: Saying “turn around” twice doesn’t count as a rhyme, dude.
Finn pushes Jake away from the controls and begins punching him.
JAKE: Hey, you swore! Ow, my bread and butter!
Finn panickedly fumbles with the controls of the sub.
JAKE: No, dude, don’t!
The sub comes out of the hole and sends three missiles careening off in random directions. One hits the ruins of a skyscraper nearby, which causes it to fall over and hit the sub. The sub begins flooding rapidly. Finn continues freaking out.
JAKE: Don’t worry, dude, everything’s cool. This is the perfect segue into level five.
Jake is shown wearing a diving suit.
JAKE: Here, put this on.
He hands another diving suit to Finn.
JAKE: Just make sure you don’t pull the emergency tab.
Finn pulls the emergency tab as soon as he gets the suit on.
JAKE: No, dude, I said don’t-
Finn’s suit fills with air. Its rapid expansion sends Jake into a nearby pipe, knocking him unconscious. The sub breaks apart. Finn floats the surface while Jake sinks.
FINN: Jake? Jake!
Finn surfaces next to a buoy and frantically climbs onto it.
FINN: Jake!
The Fear Feaster appears and cackles.
FEAR FEASTER: Pathetic. You can’t even overcome your fear now that your friend is about to die. Your unheroic body will never let you save Jake.
FINN: You’re right.
Finn grabs a wrench from the buoy.
FEAR FEASTER: Wait, really? You think I’m right? Well, that’s… That’s great!
FINN: If my body won’t let me rescue my best friend, then there’s only one thing left to do.
Finn hits himself on the head with the wrench.
FEAR FEASTER: No, wait, no!
Finn totters and eventually falls into the water, unconscious, taking the Fear Feaster with him.
Cut to Finn falling to the floor of the ocean. He comes to rest and after a series of shots showing the passage of time, he is awoken by shrimp tapping on his helmet. He hears Jake groaning nearby and jumps up.
FINN: Jake! Jake! Wake up!
Jake opens his eyes.
FINN: You okay, dude?
JAKE: Yeah, man. Wait, Finn! You did it! You conquered your fear!
FINN: What?
JAKE: You’re at the bottom of the ocean!
Finn farts and then screams. He tries frantically pulling the emergency release on his suit, but it doesn’t work.
JAKE: Maybe we should celebrate on land.
Jake pulls his own emergency release, inflating his suit. He grabs Finn and they float to the surface. They surface and run to the shore, laying down in the sand.
JAKE: I’m proud of you man. You did it.
FINN: Thanks, dude.
FEAR FEASTER: You’ve nothing to be proud of, boy.
The Fear Feaster emerges from Finn.
FEAR FEASTER: You will never get over your fear of the ocean!
JAKE: Woah, dude. What’s with your belly button?
FINN: What the flip, man? I just swam to the bottom!
FEAR FEASTER: No you didn’t, cheater. You just sank to the bottom. You will never be a great hero.
Finn looks crestfallen.
FINN: He’s right. I’ll never be a hero.
Finn’s tummy suddenly bubbles. He farts and an ethereal limousine exits his belly button, which parks on the beach. Three spirits, similar in appearance to the Fear Feaster, come out the windows of the limo. The spirits are wearing a cap, a crown, and a viking helm, respectively.
WISE MAN WITH CROWN: Finn, you are wrong. The mark of a great hero is his flaw.
FEAR FEASTER: You know nothing, wise men!
WISE MAN WITH CROWN: Silence, Fear Feaster! We know a lot!
FINN: Wait, why did you wait so long to tell me?
WISE MAN WITH CROWN: Because the limo driver’s flaw is being late.
The wise men look at the limo driver, who has the appearance of a short man with a beard and a wizard hat.
DRIVER: Sorry.
He rolls up his window in shame.
WISE MAN WITH CROWN: Farewell, Finn. You truly are the greatest hero of Ooo.
The wise men re-enter the limo, which drives back into Finn’s belly button.
FINN: It’s time for you to go away, Fear Feaster!
FEAR FEASTER: What, am I supposed to live in your tummy for the rest of my life?
FINN: Everybody has a flaw, and it looks like yours is smellin’ like my nasty guts.
The Fear Feaster begrudgingly re-enters Finn’s belly button.
FEAR FEASTER: Wonderful.
Finn smiles as the screen cuts to black. A passage of text comes up on screen as a voice reads it. ““And so fear is forced deep within the soul of a hero. Conquered… at least, for now...” Pat McHale.”
NARRATOR: And so fear is forced deep within the soul of a hero. Conquered... at least, for now.
The narrator cackles as the screen fades to black.