Jenny Smith lyrics
by Fred Eaglesmith
Old Jenny Smith lives all alone
Never been too far from home
Across the Decoration Bridge
Never been off of the ridge
She just wants a new screen door
To keep the flies off of the porch
Cool the kitchen when it’s warm
Hear the rain when it storms
Her old man, he went to fight
Some old war that wasn’t right
She waited on the road for him
He never came back again
She just wants a new screen door
To keep the flies off of the porch
Cool the kitchen whеn it’s warm
Hear the rain when it storms
Old Jеnny Smith walks down the lane
They moved her mailbox up the way
No one writes her, just the same
She goes to check it everyday
She just wants a new screen door
To keep the flies off of the porch
Cool the kitchen when it’s warm
Hear the rain when it storms
Cool the kitchen when it’s warm
Hear the rain when it storms