r/EDEN AMA 24/01/2018 lyrics
[vertigo and other music questions]
fumebound: Do you get emotional when you listen to your own songs?
EliotBer: What is the reasoning for the '//' in the names of some of your songs? has it got a specific meaning?
TheSnowbro: What was your inspiration for Icarus? It's my favorite song on the album!
STOP_n*ggATRY: is the album vertigo something you experienced or is it more on the fiction side?
STOP_n*ggATRY: is the anything more you could say about the structure of the album?
STOP_n*ggATRY: did the album turn out as expected? are you happy with it?
RoiBanchick: How do you feel about the feedback on vertigo? Did it match your expectations? Was it lower/higher?
CallBoyKellz: With you being in a relationship, is it hard to write those emotional songs about heartbreak? Where do you find the inspiration and creativity to write those songs?
Danieus: Why/How did you choose the "nobody's that heartless" clip for falling in reverse?
Jane33069: What was the hardest song to write in vertigo?
d-stroid: What I've noticed about some of your songs is that you mention dreams in general. Are they some what related to lucid dreaming?
[production and meta questions]
Solify: Are there any collaborations coming?
wxrlds: What made you shift from EDM to more pop/acoustic type music?
azboy11: Will you ever be releasing studio versions of any [livestream] covers?
STOP_n*ggATRY: would you agree that you are making music for the future?
PvDec: Have you ever thought about making an accoustic album?
Sotigoz: Do you have any plans to re-release anything from the Eden Project days?
L3ft: Is the end of falling in reverse linked to the beginning of "and" from ityttmom? It's been noted that the white noise featured in both of those songs are the same.
TinnyBashing: Do you ever plan on releasing instrumental versions of your songs?
MainAccHasMyRealName: How many miles did you walk to record all clips?
ggjemini: Do you do all your own design/ photography/ art direction? What are your inspirations for your visuals?
RoiBanchick: where was the vertigo cover art taken and when? did you know it was gonna be your album art when you took it?
RoiBanchick: what program do you use to produce? how did you learn it?
[tour and merch questions]
STOP_n*ggATRY: will you make more/different vertigo merch?
Esk7777: Will you sell the old Eden hats you sold from the futurebound tour again
fncBanzee: Will you play vertigo songs only on tour?
rugmattt: Will you ever make socks?!
[questions about the artist]
mysticols: why do you only use lowercase letters?
bumbleborn: what’s your favorite kanye album?
fumebound: If you could collaborate with any 3 artists of any generation, who would you pick?
Yienster: do you think the music you make has impacted you as a person? changed you, maybe? If yes, then in what ways?
Yienster: what would you be doing if not making music
even151: Favorite frank ocean songs?
Danieus: Aside from 22, a million, and blond, what other albums have inspired your work?
rugmattt: at what moment did you start to think “wow, this is really taking off”?
[general and misc questions]
TheSnowbro: Would you ever be down to play Battlegrounds with some fans?
bumbleborn: are you secretly on the discord and if so what’s your discord username?
stanjolly: how are you?
Impossiblepossible: Do you even lift? What are your personal bests?:
Innodence: Do you like Nutella?
konokiPKMN: What are some good unknown places (restaurants, stores, etc) to go in Dublin?
[complete as of 22:38 24/01/2018]