I’m low and I’m getting lower
The pile keeps getting higher
I am pieces of me
I drive into the light playing chicken
And I survive…
I wanna be the Lion
I wanna be the Lion that kills the Lion that tore to pieces… This Dude
You know that I wanna rise but I’m on the floor
So I’ll let you beat me a little more till I’m unbroken
Cuz I’m still broken
So you know I’m gonna leave all this Bull sh*t up to Divine Power
Knowing we all spin the wheel
Me and my footprint know the sorrow that follows
Wrinkle my skin and spin the wheel
Your bar keeps getting lower
My pile keeps getting higher
I’ve got light years on you
I confide into your eyes, You play Jesus
And I survive…
I wanna build a fire…
I wanna build a fire that burns the liars that speak to me… and you
You know that I wanna rise I’ve been on the floor
Open up my eyes, smoke a little more
I’ve been hopeless… but I’m not no more
So you know I’m gonna leave all this Bull sh*t up to Divine Power
Knowing we all spin the wheel
Me and my footprint know the sorrow that follows
Wrinkle my skin and spin the wheel