This is a test that I must endure
A trial which I must preserver
A chance to let faith come to life
And let my deeds back up my words
They will point to my love
They will tell of my life
How can I be wronged if my life
Remains in your hands?
I find understanding
In your love I find my reason
In your eyes I see compassion
When you look into my heart, what do you see?
Do you find an image of a man
Or can you see your reflection?
I pray the day will come soon
When we will all stand together
To bow before you Father and let
Your mercy reign inside of me
We will sing of the Lords love forever
With our mouth your faithfulness known
Through all generations
We will declare that your love stands firm forever
That you established your faithfulness in heaven itself
For who in the skies above can compare with the Lord.(Psalm 89)
No one
We will sing of your love forever
Forever we will sing