God is with us
Blessed Redeemer
The Living Word
Tortured and nailed
For my decadence
You sanctified me
Through the blood you shed
Holy and righteous
Your mercies never rest
My hope is in you
My burden's at your feet
Through this path of life
You enable me rest
And in meekness
I will remember you
I fight to remember
The sacrifice you made for me
But I drown in arrogance
To live in ignorance
The things of this world
Drag me down
I cannot live in this rebellion
Savoir, I cry in anguish
Messiah, cover me with your Holiness
Reaching out, touching me
You give me strength
You're all I need
Draw me closer
Exalted One, my sanctuary
My hiding place
I feel your strength
I put away my fears
I lay them at your feet
Blessed Redeemer
You are God
And I will die for you