Calling on the earth's core (part of the mind)
We are human beings!
Calling on the earth's core (part of the mind)
We are humans being!
What will we find, when we all will die?
Ziltoid: Collective, this is commander Ziltoid the omniscient reporting
Collective: Greetings Ziltoid...what is that strange creature?!?
Ziltoid: Oh, this little thing! Yesss...they call it a 'Poozer'
Colletctive:...From the planet Titan?? You must take it back!!!
Calling on the earth's core (part of the mind)
We are human beings!
Calling on the earth's core (part of the mind)
We are humans being!
Where do we find the human soul?
All the searching leads to you!
(I've grown over, I roll over)
I crawl over my life of honour
All these children, entitled horrors...
Meanwhile, far across the solar system, Queen Blattaria, a war princess and the mother of the poozers, Realizes one of her children has gone missing!
Blattaria: Ohh noo... where is my Poozer!!!!!!???
The plot thickens...
(I am nowhere, I am no one...I am nowhere, I am no one)
Collective: Commander, are you sure that the war princess does not suspect
It was you who abducted her Poozer?
Ziltoid: Oh yes, absolutely collective, indeed. You should have see me:
I was in and out like the wind! indeed. She shall never suspect a thing!!
Collective: We hope so, for your sake
We cannot risk intergalactic war with Titan. Where is the Poozer now?
Up to this point, Ziltoid has had his back turned to the Poozer... but he makes a break for it
Collective: Quickly us the Poozer!
Ziltoid: Yess, of course, I've kept a very close eye on him...err...
(We are all in line and we are all prepared to die)
Ziltoid: Gadzooks! HE'S GONE!!!
Through the cold abyss of space, the little Poozer races home...
Ziltoid: Please tell me where the Poozer is now...
Current location of the poozer: Directly through the wormhole
Ziltoid: Hmmmm...well.... poop
Through the wormhole, the Poozer has arrived back on Titan. He reports to his mother
The war princess, what he has seen, and that it was Ziltoid who had abducted him!
Now the War Princess is a beautiful, vain, and rather grumpy creature. She lusts for power
And though she is the mother of countless Poozers, her vanity
Has made her rather revolted by these children of hers
She is devious; and knows that she can utilize their blind love and devotion to create
A formidable army! We see now her missing Poozer as it enters her chambers