Serpent - Dagger - Lion - Man lyrics
by Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio
Out of these stones
I shall make me a man
Someone who's strong
Someone complete
Out of this dirt
I shall make me a woman
Someone who's sweet
Someone like me
There's a serpent in the heavens
There's a storm beyond the land (?)
There's a lion in the shadows
There are symbols in the snow
There are petals on the altar
There's a dagger in my hand
When a candle lights my feats
You will start to understand
Out of this sh*t
I make me a man
I fill him with hate
And I tell him to trust
Out of these bones
I make me a woman
I fill her with love
And I tell her to lust
(Woman speaking Japanese)
Out of this grass
I made me a man
I filled him with straw
And I took it away
Out of these dreams
I made me a woman
I filled her with hope
And I forced her to pray
Out of my joy
I created my man
I broke him in half
And I led him astray
Out of my sin
I created my woman
I smashed her to bits
And I threw her away