The Mice Go Marching lyrics
by Hap Palmer
The mice go marching quietly by, shh! shh!
The mice go marching quietly by, shh! shh!
They march with softly clicking sounds
You hardly know that they're around
Oh, the mice go marching quietly by, shh!
The mighty monster marches by, Kaboom! kaboom!
The mighty monster marches by, Kaboom! kaboom!
With hairy legs and heavy feet
He cracks the pavement with each beat
And the mighty monster marches by, Kaboom!
The mice go marching up the monster, Dear, oh dear!
The mice go marching up the monster, Dear, oh dear!
They're stepping softly through his hair
So, the monster will not know they're there
And the mice go marching up the monster Dear!
The monster sneezes suddenly, Achoo! achoo!
The monster sneezes suddenly, Achoo! achoo!
He shakes and makes a thunderous sound
The mice fly off and tumble down
When the monster sneezes suddenly, Achoo!
The mice all laugh and squeak, "What fun, Tee hee! tee hee!"
The mice all laugh and squeak, "What fun, Tee hee! tee hee!"
With tiny thumps, they hit the ground
They slip and slide and roll around
And the mice all laugh and squeak, "What fun, Tee hee!"