One Little Sound lyrics
by Hap Palmer
Take the /c/ from can't and meet a feisty ant
Take the /s/ from sox, step past a sleepy ox
Take the /h/ from heel and hug a slimy eel
Oh, what a difference, just one little sound
Take the /p/ from pup and the pup is all grown up
Take the /b/ from bark, hear a dog in Noah's ark
Take the /w/ from wall, and you can see it all
Oh, what a difference just one little sound, add
/c/ and ant CAN'T
/s/ and ox SOX
/h/ and eel HEEL
/p/ and up PUP
/b/ and ark BARK
/w/ and all WALL
/m/ and ore MORE More? ... okay
Take the /r/ from rice, and the food is cold as ice
Take the /h/ from heat, warm it up and we can eat
Take the /t/ from tape and feed a hungry ape
Oh, what a difference, just one little sound
Take the /p/ from peach and serve a slice to each
Take the/s/ from soil, drill down and hunt for oil
Take the /m/ from mend and this song is near the end
Oh, what a difference just one little sound, add
/r/ and ice RICE
/h/ and eat HEAT
/t/ and ape TAPE
/p/ and each PEACH
/s/ and oil SOIL
/m/ and end MEND
Oh, what a difference just one little sound