(In the slaughterhouse, their eyes stabbed out and their tendons slashed, on the cattle ships to the Middle East and the dying mother whale as a harpoon explodes in her brain as she calls out to her calf
Their cries were the cries of my father
I discovered that when we suffer, we suffer as equals
And in their capacity to suffer, a dog is a pig is a bear is a boy)
The killing floor is yours
Just take the stage and clean your plate
I know it's all so gross
Pick up the pain and see their face
We are a world alone confused
But we evolve to take total control
I need a medic fast
I need a brain to think up plans
I feel the violent past
And I can't take the words
This is a war they wage unto
And it's a culling innocence for us to give
We are the ones who fight to choose
And I bet the worst is yet to come
I see the pain
I know that you can see it too
We are a world confused
We pull apart to see the glue
We've broken all the rules
And now we're all so f*cked