Interpolitation: We Shall Overcome lyrics
by Pete Seeger
[Verse One - Spoken]
It is the responsibility of every single member of these United States of ours do we make sure that every negro, every single negro is completely and totally...
I'm feeling... I was with them all the way until they started this "Black Power" thing which you really can't...
I'm sorry uh, uh my parents came to this country with nothing, nothing but the clothes on their backs
It's private prop... private property...
That's the crime, it's the capitalists that are mistreating the workers so that it's necessary for...
More selective animals! More selective animals! Human beings are ba... it's an active animal, you'd have to be animal to kill somebody!
I say when I was a kid, you wouldn't think a walking onto a street and telling people what
Business is business!
So I have a friend from a thing and he tells me that the commies are behind it all and I don't care what anyone says. If you look at all the records that are available to you
I really feel, I feel very much about it, I really do, I- my wife and I sat down and talked about it, I feel very much about it but I just don't know where I'm gonna find the time, I don't know where I'm gonna find the time!
Well listen, I tell you 'cause I lived here a long time and you just can't walk out on the street of New York anymore without some idiot jumping out of the woods some ... uh..
Oh yeah! I was young once!