[Spoken Word]
Now, I’m sorry if anybody finds this offensive or whatever
But I just need to spit some facts for a second
r/dankmemes really sucks
Oh my god
You people actually like this stuff?
It’s the same thing every single time
The goddamn Keanu Reeves memes
The goddamn Avengers punchlines
The goddamn upvote and cake day memes
The “OOF 100” punchlines
Who cares? Who actually cares?
It’s the same thing every time
I go on Reddit, and all I see is garbage
I go on r/dankmemes, it’s just garbage like this
It’s not even dank anymore, it’s just embarrassing
What happened to actually dank memes?
When I go on r/memes, it’s exactly the same goddamn thing
r/me_irl, it’s the same memes but with “in-jokes” that get stale after 2 days
Even though it has its occasional gem
r/teenagers is the worst subreddit, there, I said it
It’s the same meme, same meme, but somehow even worse
Who likes this stuff? It’s the same thing over and over again!
Everybody on there wants nothing but goddamn upvotes
I asked my crush out, give me upvotes
I’m sad, give me upvotes
Someone close to me died
Now I’m sorry for your loss and all
But sometimes it’s pretty goddamn obvious they decided to use this as an opportunity to get funny orange arrows on the internet
I mean then again, every subreddit has its ups and downs
I mean goddamn, every subreddit is trash in its own way
r/darkjokes repeats the same old thing every single time
r/wholesomememes is literally a Keanu Reeves circlej*rk and goddamn Twitter screenshots
Like I know, he’s a good guy, I like him, he’s a really nice human being
But goddamn! You people are milking him like a cow to the point where he’s completely shriveled up and all that’s left is a pile of skeletons, skin and organs
Like seriously!
I’ve had it with Reddit
Every day, it’s the same old thing
I’m sick of it
Every subreddit posts the same old thing
Even JustUnsubbed, the subreddit that is dedicated to posting posts that made them unsub from a subreddit, posts the same old thing all the time
Ugh, just unrubbed from r/teenagers, just unsubbed from r/wholesomememes, just unsubbed from EmojiPolice
Why were you subscribed in the first place then?
With EmojiPolice, you subscribed for the exact reason you unsubscribed
I’m done with Reddit and I’m done with the internet
I’m deleting my account
Actually wait, I have 18,000 karma on there…
Eh, I’ll keep it up. Can’t lose my bragging rights, am I right?
I am a hypocrite